Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!
First Impression
Well looks like a cute little moment here although of course in context of the whole story this is far from an adorable one. I think its a simple little scene here and you do it quite well.
Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;
Sally Williams wished that she had someone to play with other than Charlie. Charlie wasn’t even real, he was just a toy bear that she was pushing on the playground swing.
“Fly Charlie, fly!” Sally grinned, pushing Charlie harder on the swing. If she pushed hard enough, he would really fly. Of course, if someone else was cheering her on, it’d be nice, but then, like Daddy always said, she couldn’t play with everyone.
Well that's a start there. Feels like a very dangerous thing to be playing with there, unless somehow Charlie really does have wings of some sort. Otherwise that's gonna be a first and last flight.
Or could she? Maybe if she kept coming to the playground every day, if she kept asking people, then someone would say yes!
Sally sighed and shook her head as she got Charlie on the swing. It was fun for a while, but not anymore. Maybe she’d just tell Mommy to take her home. Mommy was talking to another Mommy, like always. She could just tug on her wrist and tell her to go.
Something bright caught Sally’s eye. It was underneath the bench, partly covered with leaves.
Oooh looks like Sally was starting to get just a little bit bored there which given that situation isn't too surprising but it would seem that she has managed to spot something exciting at the moment.
Sally ran towards the bench, heart pumping. Did someone leave behind a toy? WAS THERE A FREE TOY?
She placed Charlie on the bench and crawled underneath it, pulling out the bright thing.
It was a Jack-In-The-Box. It was a little old, but not too old.
Maybe she could play with it-
“Sally, it’s time to go.”
Maybe later.
Oh dear, I just realized what was meant to happen to Sally there. Well that Jack in the Box is going to be her undoing but at least it seems for the day she's safe from it. Better than a lot of her later stories are going to turn out.
Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!
Overall a very solid little story, showing Sally's age and innocence, leaving a little hint of mystery about this Jack in the Box and what it might just be. I think you balance that well at the end to give us a nice hint without it being too on the nose.
As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!
Points: 317314
Reviews: 4431