Hello Hello, I hope you dont mind me popping in with a quick review. I will apologize that this might be a short review. However, I hope that this can be useful in some way even if it just brightens your day. With all that being said, I should probably stop rambling and start the review properly. Let's get into it, shall we?
Overall this was a short but interesting read. This was a good follow-up to the last one I read, we get a bit more insight here. By the looks of it, this obsession is teetering into very dark places and things might take a turn soon. You do a good job showing reasons why Nina would be isolated from her peers.
I am curious how long Nina's dreams and fantasies will stay this way. Knowing your work, however, it will be only a matter of time before her wants turn into some tragic actions.
Now let's get into the feedback, I promise it won't be much. As always you don't have to take any input I give nor I am a professional.
I do wish you added in a bit more detail about her family since it can show off a lot more of the dynamic. Perhaps you could have some passing dinner conversation that Nina's trying to ignore. Sometimes the lack of conversation could also speak strongly to what's like between them. ( No pun intended.)
Lastly, this one might be a bit nitpicky but I thought I would add it in just to be safe.
But she had to do it for the sake of family.
Although there isn't anything too glaring with this sentence I feel it's missing a word here. I do feel this could be just me but I would write it like this.
But she had to do it for the sake of her family.
Regardless this was short but allowed us to have much more insight into her fixation. As Always keep writing and remember to drink water!
Points: 21699
Reviews: 185