Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!
First Impression
Well it would seem that poor Jason before he turned into the horror that he is, did go through a really tough time in childhood. You can almost feel the kind of events that would take place here to cause his eventual self.
Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;
Jason watched as Dad closed the door to his room, leaving him alone with piles upon piles of books.
His parents wanted him to study. Since he was home from school, it was study hour. He couldn’t stop studying. He was only allowed to stop when he wanted to eat.
It had been going on for as long as he could remember. His parents were very strict. They didn’t want him to play with any toys because they saw it as distraction, and only wanted him to study. They were never satisfied with how well he did. In the end, they wanted him to be better and better than he was, because it built “personality and character”.
Well looks like Jason had a pretty rough childhood there from the looks of things. It seems his parents were really strict on the whole thing and instead of the responsible amount with breaks he was forced to study all the time and never got a break.
But Jason crept over to a box at the corner of his room and took out the wooden toys he made out of scraps.
They were funny-looking, but at least they were toys. He played with them when he was alone, when his parents weren’t looking.
He’d study soon. He just wanted to play, just for a little bit. Just for a little bit, he’d take himself to a world where he was praised and loved, where he was appreciated.
Just for a little bit.
Hmm well looks like Jason was starting to make toys from quite a young age there. He certainly does seem to have quite the skill for it judging from how things play out there and a lot of interest and you can't blame him for wanting some more love and acceptance.
Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!
Overall I think you've done a wonderful job putting this together here. It really brings to light how much Jason suffered and the kind of events that inspired who he'd become.
As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!
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