Whether or not you were aware, for the most part this is written in the English Ballad form, which means it can be (for the most part) sun to Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Gilligan's Island, Pokemon, and other famous tunes.
Try it sometime.
I see what you did with the formatting to make it look like a boat (I'm on a boat!) but there are several times where this formatting made it difficult to keep up reading, so...take that with a grain of salt as you proceed. I'm not saying to ditch the formatting because I GET the reasoning and I GET the want. I'd just be doing you a disservice if I didn't tell you that there were issues.
While I was a bit sad that there were parts that break away from the English ballad, I think those are the parts that really give punctuation to the flow and momentum of the entire piece:
"A sail rips, the boat tips. White foam tossed, a ship lost(period missing)"
Things like that. They Really speed things up, and the return to the ballad form really slows it back down. I like that! It gives action speed where speed is due, and gives lull where lull is due. This is actually expertly done; the meter, the rhymes. It's a well-done piece.
Good on ya, keep writing.
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