Hello, Gem!
It's been a while since you posted last. Glad to read, as always.
So, my thoughts? Hard to say. On one hand, the lack of punctuation makes it hard to read; but I get the sense you used words like "cascade" and "vomit" to allow yourself to release your words without worry of criticism. It's very well-done, in my opinion. In an odd way, this reminds me of Ted Hughes' poems; some of them are tough to get through and follow no structure at all, but poetry is meant to be free. Yours is as free as a bird, and I love it for that.
It's admittedly a little tricky to read, but that doesn't demean its quality at all.
i love and i hate life the beautiful nightmare i pursue
and i will not stop for anyone
I also think I may not have got exactly what you meant to convey, but what I did interpret from the poem has made me... content. I'm happy as it is.
It's been a while since a poem moved me strongly. I'm really glad you wrote this. <3
- Lee
Points: 18564
Reviews: 278