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Young Writers Society

Icy Volcano (acrostic)

by fatherfig

I s water ever anything but ice and steam

C ould it ever be something it doesn't hurt to drink

Y ellow like sulfur and poisonous to feat


V ariants of acid and razor icicles

O bscure rage vented in the direction of

L ifeforms crowded around your feet and those miles away

C orrupted now into ash they sink

A nd as they smother

N o one cares to notice they loved you

O nce

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Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:42 pm
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FireEyes wrote a review...

Hey, gem! Incoming review!

I haven't reviewed an acrostic poem yet, so now's the time. Let's get on with the review!

I'll start out with critique.

Y ellow like sulfur and poisonous to feat
I just think this line doesn't make sense in context of the water part. You were asking if water is ever something that can be dangerous and hurtful. Or maybe I totally missed the whole point of this line but it's confusing to me. If you could explain that would be nice lol

But that pretty much concludes my critique section, let me praise your work. I like the idea of an icy volcano. If you've ever made a food-safe volcano, dry ice is the main factor to make the volcano bubble. It's interesting how, even if you haven't heard of that type of volcano, ice and water can be very dangerous.

V ariants of acid and razor icicles
I think this is the best line IMO. Icicles are so beautiful when stagnant but they can do some great amounts of damage. So the danger aespect is still kept in this line and I think it's pretty great!

But that was all I had for today. I hope you found some of this useful. Keep writing, gem, I love to read everything you write. Anyway byeeeeeeeee<3


fatherfig says...

I was thinking about bromine in water with that line sorry if it was a bit obscure haha. Thank you fire <3

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52 Reviews

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Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:19 am
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ToxicAnglerFish wrote a review...

Hello! I've came to review your poem! Lets get started :)

I really love this poem! I don't know much about acrostic poems so if I get something wrong I apologize! I really love how detailed this poem is for something as simple yet uncommon poem topic about a ice volcano! I adore the details of the volcano erupting and how you use the lava and ashes as a contrast to the ice and coldness! Its a really interesting thing to read and makes the whole poem only have more pizazz! I love these words you chose:

"Rage", "Razor Icicles", 'Poisonous to feat", etc.

These make the poem so detailed in its short existence and very fun to read and enjoy! I really loved this poem! Good job!!


fatherfig says...

Thank you <3

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19 Reviews

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Reviews: 19

Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:29 pm
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grainne wrote a review...

Wow! This is the first time I've read an acrostic poem that was actually meaningful and beautiful as well as just fun. I have a few comments - feel free to take what you find helpful and leave the rest. :)

First, there are a few places where there might be some grammatical/spelling errors. In the first stanza, you say "could it every be something it doesn't hurt to drink." Is that supposed to be "could it ever be something THAT doesn't hurt to drink" instead? In the third line, you write "poisonous to feat" and I'm assuming that's supposed to be "poisonous to feet." Minor, but just making sure everything is clear can help readers stay engaged with your message!

Second, the theme of an icy volcano is really poetic. However, I'm not seeing a clear connection between the first half of the poem and the ending. The transition to the theme of "no one cares to notice they loved you/Once" isn't quite clear to me. Maybe you could point to the ending somehow earlier on.

Anyway, good job! It's difficult to write a meaningful and cohesive acrostic, since you are confined with your language a little bit as you spell out the phrase. Excellent work and keep writing.

fatherfig says...

The poem is metaphorical. Thank you. <3

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
— Arthur C. Clarke