Hey, gem! Incoming review!
I haven't reviewed an acrostic poem yet, so now's the time. Let's get on with the review!
I'll start out with critique.
I just think this line doesn't make sense in context of the water part. You were asking if water is ever something that can be dangerous and hurtful. Or maybe I totally missed the whole point of this line but it's confusing to me. If you could explain that would be nice lolY ellow like sulfur and poisonous to feat
But that pretty much concludes my critique section, let me praise your work. I like the idea of an icy volcano. If you've ever made a food-safe volcano, dry ice is the main factor to make the volcano bubble. It's interesting how, even if you haven't heard of that type of volcano, ice and water can be very dangerous.
I think this is the best line IMO. Icicles are so beautiful when stagnant but they can do some great amounts of damage. So the danger aespect is still kept in this line and I think it's pretty great!V ariants of acid and razor icicles
But that was all I had for today. I hope you found some of this useful. Keep writing, gem, I love to read everything you write. Anyway byeeeeeeeee<3
Points: 13145
Reviews: 189