**My Thoughts**
Hey Gem! I hope you're having a fantastic day! I really liked this poem. It was very short, but was super detailed, and I just loved it. OK, on to the actual part of the review!
**Spelling, Capitalization, the Whole Shebang**
So spelling and grammar were great! I couldn't find anything wrong besides this line:
That should be spelled "continuously."love will molt and morph as hate continously chafes.
I liked your choice when it came to capitalization and punctuation. You only used capitalization on the first line, and didn't use it on the rest, which (to me) makes it look cleaner, especially because you did use punctuation. Just one thing. At the end of the poem you use four periods (....). I think that looks rather sloppy. Maybe use just one, or maybe three, periods so it looks neater.
I loved your choice of words and how you rhymed throughout the poem. I especially liked these two lines:
I loved how you rhymed "fade" and "chafes" and it just flows really smoothly.and bright colors will soon fade.
love will molt and morph as hate continously chafes.
**The End**
Alright, Gem! I really liked this poem. I think there is a bit of things you can fix, but overall, it is fantastic! I hope you have a lovely day and an even better RevMo! <3

Points: 2489
Reviews: 146