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Sometimes but not always

by fatherfig

There are times when manners are needed,

When others have cried and others have pleaded,

But now its not manners it is remorse,

As I sink crying to my grandmother's floors,

As the life leaves here I feel no urge to apologize to say a mannerly word,                                                " No don’t  make her leave me, I don't want her to go." says the frailest voice I've ever heard,

but it is my own,                                                                                                                                                   its me afraid and alone,

These words were selfishly said,                                                                                                                 I could not keep them in my head,

But she does not respond,                                                                                                                                  she is gone

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Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:05 am
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singhvaibhav wrote a review...

hey 269609, this is a sad poem, i mean it really brings tears to my eyes and you are only 14 which is too young to be experiencing and processing such things. But in the matter of content your poem is flawless, i mean the message that you wanted to convey gets across smoothly and is not lost in words. the rhymes are beautiful and engaging. the guilt that is dripping from every line of your poem really makes me think about mortality and the concept of being alive and living. things done and said, sadly cannot be taken back, and the process of healing is different for different people, but death hurts no matter who it is and what hurts even more are the things that are left unsaid.

the end of the poem is fantastic and could not have been better.

keep writing

fatherfig says...

Thank you, I am literally crying, Thankyou...... for your valuable input.

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Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:27 pm
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Radrook wrote a review...

Radrook here to offer a review. If I offend by mistake you have my apologies. It is unintended.

Thanks for sharing this poem concerning the speaker’s attendance at his grandmother’s funeral and how he felt and feels about it. Death definitely tends to touch us deeply when it involves a loved one. I like how the speaker describes his own voice and expresses surprise about how it sounds. His grandmother's death made him or her feel alone and afraid. This seems to indicate that their relationship was much closer than the usual. I was a bit perplexed about the need to feel of remorse and not owing an apology. If indeed the definition holds, then who is feeling remorse and about what?


I was a little distracted when the original meter suddenly shifted after the word "floors".

grandmother[’]s [The floors belong to her.]

The "long gone" phrase had me recalling a certain song which repeats that phrase in a flippant way. That made me feel as if it was out of place.

Looking forward to reading more of your work.

fatherfig says...

(Her) it states life is unfair and death is manorless. Thank you for your time and valuable veiws. :)

fatherfig says...

I look forward to more in the future.

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Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:32 am
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IvoryRose wrote a review...

Great poem, it’s very emotional and dramatic! The pauses help create more depth to the poem and I really like how you kept a continuous rhyme scheme. It had a nice flow and could be read as a song, however the last line killed it. “This happened to me late last summer.”, felt out of place because of your continuous scheme. Not all poems have to rhyme,(I personally write many free-verse ones), but you already had one going. I get that it’s hard to constantly rhyme, but you should finish what you started. The rhyming made me feel like someone was anxiously singing their thoughts, so that’s why I’m picking apart the last line. Other than that, the poem was really good! You were very descriptive and the metaphors blended in. None of the details were over the top, so congrats! I don’t want to bother you, but I also posted a poem! I hope you can review it, it’s called American Dream. It’s about the fake happiness that comes with achieving this so-called “american dream”. All and all, you did good. Say hi to Loki for me! :)

fatherfig says...

The last line was meant to Be in bold and was not part of the poem and I'm thinking about removing it completely.

fatherfig says...

Thank you for your valuable imput I look forward to your reviews in the future.

IvoryRose says...

Could you review my poem "American Dream"?

fatherfig says...

Give me the link and I'll try.
Spoiler! :
I'm not the best

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Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:36 pm
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lemonboi says...



fatherfig says...

I know......

fatherfig says...

Wait, explain in what way it feels so I know if we are on the same page or not.

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Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:14 pm
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KatjaDawn wrote a review...

Hey 269609! I hope you're doing better now. Poetry can truly be a helpful and amazing way to cope with life experiences like this... It's never easy letting go of a loved one who has passed on, and your poem very much conveys the sorrow and loneliness we can feel in such times. I still remember when I lost my Grandmother... I was around 10, and it was definitely not an easy thing to cope with. As someone who is and was religious (as was my grandmother), I mostly coped knowing that she is in a better a better place. (as cliche as that is to say). And I hope you've found consolidation since her passing as well.

As the life leaves here I feel no urge to apologize to say a mannerly word,

Very relatable! This line resonated with me quite a bit.

The only mistakes I've seen were in a few lines you put "its" where "it's" was necessary. (lines 8 and 3), but truly I don't have any suggestions. Your poem was written from a personal place and You can clearly feel and see the raw emotion you put into this. Thank you for sharing this poem, and again, I am sorry for your loss and I hope you're doing better now. I look forward to reading more of your work soon!

Keep writing,


fatherfig says...

What do you mean by this?

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KatjaDawn says...

I am so sorry about that, I just fixed my review. You did a lovely job on your poem :)

fatherfig says...

Thank you for your, more understandable, valuable input. I look for ward to more reviews. (that I can read :wink: ) :D

fatherfig says...

I am/is/was religious as well. :)

fatherfig says...

I am/is/was religious as well. :)

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Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:01 pm
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fatherfig says...

@RavenLord, @woahhitherepal, @LittleLee, @Flumadiddle, @Rosella, @Lake, @IvoryRose, @KaiRyu, @TheBlueCat, @izanami, @WhosabellCanWrite, @BookishBrook, @Danni88, @Londone And anyone else i remember

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