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A Tribute to the Holocaust

by fatherfig

Those blameless in Hiding,

Time they are biding,

Suffering in silence,

To innocents violence,

Their killer,

None other than Hitler,

Made to wear the Star of David,

Hitler had the road the Nazis paved it,

The people who follow,

Are called the Gestapo,

The innocents and Jews,

Thoroughly abused,

Claimed a sham on the news,

Being beaten and used,

Naively answer a ringing phone,

Dragged away from your home,

A Holocaust Hitler’s desire,

Sacrifice by fire

The allies come to fight,

They are doing what is right,

A battle fought by day and night,

Freedom isn’t out of sight,

The Nazis had to pay,

Now we call it D-Day

We may weep or stand in silence,

To recognize all the violence,

The holocaust,

Good souls were lost,

But that does not mean we cannot find them,

Their souls are free with nothing to bind them

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Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:45 pm
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Hijinks wrote a review...

Hello Gem! I'm here to review your poem (courtesy of our Ravenclaw Team)!

First off, this is a very serious subject, so kudos for writing a poem about it!
I like the rhyming scheme, but there are a couple of parts where it becomes inconsistent. For the most part the scheme is:
aabbccdd, etc. ...
but it changes

The innocents and Jews,

Thoroughly abused,

Claimed a sham on the news,

Being beaten and used,

All four of these lines rhyme, whereas most of the poem only has pairs of rhymes. The same goes for
The allies come to fight,

They are doing what is right,

A battle fought by day and night,

Freedom isn’t out of sight,

It's not really a huge deal, but I personally like to be super consistent with rhymes.

You rhyming feels pretty natural, good job!

You also use a lot of commas, so I would recommend changing some of them to periods (I show a few places in the spoiler with nitpicks).

Below is a spoiler of small nitpicky things.
Spoiler! :

Those blameless in Hiding, -> lowercase "h"

Time they are biding,

Suffering in silence,

To innocents violence, -> I would change to a period

Their killer,

None other than Hitler,

Made to wear the Star of David, -> I would change "to" to "them"

Hitler had the road the Nazis paved it,

The people who follow,

Are called the Gestapo,

The innocents and Jews,

Thoroughly abused,

Claimed a sham on the news,

Being beaten and used,

Naively answer a ringing phone,

Dragged away from your home,

A Holocaust Hitler’s desire,

Sacrifice by fire -> period.

The allies come to fight,

They are doing what is right,

A battle fought by day and night,

Freedom isn’t out of sight, -> period.

The Nazis had to pay,

Now we call it D-Day

We may weep or stand in silence,

To recognize all the violence,

The holocaust,

Good souls were lost,

But that does not mean we cannot find them,

Their souls are free with nothing to bind them -> period.

I would also recommend breaking this into stanzas. This spoiler shows once way how you could divide up the first part:
Spoiler! :

Those blameless in Hiding,

Time they are biding,

Suffering in silence,

To innocents violence,


Their killer,

None other than Hitler,

Made to wear the Star of David,

Hitler had the road the Nazis paved it,


Overall, this is really good! I hope this was helpful :) As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Keep writing Gem <3


fatherfig says...

Thank you for the review whatcha. It was helpful. <3

Hijinks says...

I'm glad <3 Hope I wasn't harsh, it's definitely a great poem (could it be 'cause you're a great poet? Hm... maybe)

fatherfig says...

It wasn't harsh at all! <3

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Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:25 am
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SpecialClodChild wrote a review...

This is a really touching poem. I can say it very much reflects the terrible events that were the holocausts, one of the darkest times in the world's history. My one choir group actually sang a song based off a "poem" etched in the wall near a concentration camp by a Jewish prisoner. Personally I believe your poem gives me a better connection as if I was there at the time. The ending rhyme may have followed a normal poem set-up, though this will always be unique and special. Thank you for thinking of this and continue your greatness.

fatherfig says...

Thank you for your valuable input and glorifying praise my poems are not great, but I am not going to lie it feels good to be noticed

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Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:12 pm
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AsterChai wrote a review...

Very well done.

The holocaust is a very hard thing to write about, especially when it comes to poetry, but I believe you captured the feel of it extremely well in this poem. My heart sank when reading this, which goes to show how well done it was. I think the rhyming was good for this poem. A lot of people think poetry needs to rhyme which isn't true, however, that also doesn't mean it can't rhyme, and for certain poems such as this one, it can actually help it. I think for me, the sheer number of rhymes you were able to make shows how much can be said about the holocaust, and how horrible it was. Really helped the feel of it sink in even more.

I have literally no relations to Jews, in fact, I'm part German, but even I was able to feel the feelings you were trying to portray in this. All in all, really well done.

fatherfig says...

Thank you for you appreciated and valued input.

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Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:15 pm
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fishsashimi wrote a review...

Hey Onii-Chan here!

You have a great gift, and using it to move people and create awareness in this way is astonishing. I love how you applied word families and used them to their limit. You described the pain and terror they felt so well, and I hope that you keep on writing to recognize historic events.

Keep on writing!

fatherfig says...

Thank you for this well received comment.

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
— Noam Chomsky