Hi LadyGemstone!
This short poem is packed with beautiful imagery. I love the line
"I look into a silent lake and an image screams to me"
The contrast between silent and screams really conveys your message. The line,
"a star that shines only when you are watching closely"
I think is a perfect wrap it up sentence.
the line
"I am glittering green emerald evergreen jealousy"
didn't really make much sense to me. Its just really repetitive and doesn't play well when you are reading it. It does add to the overall message of the poem, although maybe you should word it a little better.
"and spoiled lazy sunflowers"
Maybe instead of lazy use another word that has more depth.
"I'm a fairy who clipped her own wing and took to being carried instead of flying"
I agree with @Morrigan with this line.
Overall, lovely poem.
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