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Young Writers Society

Oh Mirror of Mine

by fatherfig

I look into a silent lake and an image screams to me

I am glittering green emerald evergreen jealousy

and spoiled lazy sunflowers

I'm a fairy who clipped her own wing and took to being carried instead of flying

a star that shines only when you are watching closely

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Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:27 pm
SpunkyMonkey wrote a review...

Hi LadyGemstone!

This short poem is packed with beautiful imagery. I love the line

"I look into a silent lake and an image screams to me"

The contrast between silent and screams really conveys your message. The line,

"a star that shines only when you are watching closely"

I think is a perfect wrap it up sentence.

the line

"I am glittering green emerald evergreen jealousy"

didn't really make much sense to me. Its just really repetitive and doesn't play well when you are reading it. It does add to the overall message of the poem, although maybe you should word it a little better.

"and spoiled lazy sunflowers"

Maybe instead of lazy use another word that has more depth.

"I'm a fairy who clipped her own wing and took to being carried instead of flying"

I agree with @Morrigan with this line.

Overall, lovely poem.


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Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:02 pm
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Morrigan wrote a review...

Hey there, LadyGemstone! I see that you posted a bunch of poems, so I figured I'd look at a few that were still in the Green Room!

This poem has nice imagery all throughout that you successfully use to illustrate an emotion. Since it's short, I'm going to go through line by line and talk about it that way.

I look into a silent lake and an image screams to me

I like what you did here with the juxtaposition of "silent" and "screams." It's a nice way to start the poem, as well, with a setting. We have the narrator at a lake, perhaps in contemplation.

I am glittering green emerald evergreen jealousy

I'm a bit torn on this line. I enjoy the alliteration that you used in "glittering green," but you use "green" again in the same line, though it's buried within "evergreen." Out of the ways you illustrate green here, "evergreen" is my favorite because you've already established that the narrator is in a natural setting, and that adds an image to the reader's mind without saying "the lake is surrounded by trees." I think that using one green word to describe jealousy (which is a very established idiom) will suffice.
Let's look at another thing to reframe in this line. You have 5 lines in this poem, and 3 of them start with "I." Instead of making the narrator the subject of this sentence, perhaps start with the image for a little variety. You could say something like "Evergreen jealousy glitters in my face." Or reflection, to connect this poem more strongly to the title.

and spoiled lazy sunflowers

Sunflowers is an unexpected image to use to describe laziness. This is your shortest line, but it's the one that needs the most connecting with how you choose to use the image. How are sunflowers lazy? Are they pampered in a garden? Do their heavy heads hang low on their stems? Does the narrator have a memory of a happy summer day laying among them? Connect the image of sunflowers with laziness. It's not a bad idea! In fact, I appreciate how fresh it is. But you need to show the connection more.

I'm a fairy who clipped her own wing and took to being carried instead of flying

I like this line, but it's worded awkwardly. Also, the fairy image doesn't really fit the natural setting. Furthermore, the concept of clipped wings is a bit of a cliche. I like the concept, but I think you might want to find a different image to illustrate it, as this line sticks out of the poem. Perhaps you could use a more natural inspiration? A seed, free from its tree, waiting to be carried away by an animal? Or maybe transition a bit into the sky, since your line has to do with stars.

a star that shines only when you are watching closely

I think I understand what you are trying to convey, but I feel like the wording of this line conflicts with the rest of the poem with no transition between different moods. This line says to me, "look closely and you can see my value" whereas the rest of the poem says "I acknowledge that my misery is my own fault." I think a little change of wording might help turn this around to something that fits more. Instead of what you have, try saying something like "a star that shines only when you turn your back," to convey the air of shyness and self-doubt that the rest of the poem has. If you think of something nicer, use that! But as it is, it feels oddly positive to end such an introspective and revealing poem.

Altogether, you have some solid images that convey a message. Let me know if you have any questions! Hopefully this helps you improve your writing! Happy YWSing!

fatherfig says...

Thank you <3

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Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:09 am
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Anamel wrote a review...

Even though it's short I like how you get a sense of the theme upon first reading it but also have to re-examine it to piece it altogether. In my opinion, I think this could be speaking about someone who underestimates themselves around others on purpose to appear weaker or less special. They've grown accustomed to doing so and now it's made them lazy because they know others will respond in a way that benefits them. The jealousy part could show that the narrator is envious of people who can fully be themselves and express it with pride. As a result of building down their self-worth, they now believe it also to be true. Their subconscious knows that well, represented in the scream of the lake, but they don't seem to mind.

I like the message in it and I don't have anything to critique. I suppose you could use punctuation but it doesn't really matter. Or remove one of the "I'm" such as, "I'm a fairy who clipped her own wing and took to being carried instead of flying/ a star that shines only when you are watching closely."

fatherfig says...

Thank you for your imput. <3

If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.
— Mo Willems