Hello fellow writer! Ley here to write a tortoise-y review on this amazing work you've published! This is a new review style that I'm using only for the month of June, in spirit of the Great Tortoise Race! Let's get started, 'shell' we? xD
Shell Start: This was a very interesting poem! It's a great take on societies expectations, and I love the ultimate message you provided for us here. I found that this poem promotes authenticity and the beauty in being yourself, regardless of what others think! Let's get into some details.
Favorite Leaf:
So I laugh and play all night and day,
Not caring whatever They say -
I refuse to defuse my profuse amuse
For all the barking fallacious hounds.
This is the stanza I'm talking about! Embracing joy and playfulness, and not allowing yourself to conform to social expectations. Love this stanza!
Live while you can, die when you can't.
Another amazing line! I honestly wish I could put this in the YWS quote gen XD Love the message.
Shell Fractures:
I couldn't find any suggestions to improve this piece, as I already think it's a wonderful poem! Poetry, personally, is hard for me to critique because it comes from the heart and is sometimes personal to us writers <3
Overall: This was a wonderful take on not conforming to societies expectations; just be yourself! I love reading poems with a positive ending, so I'm glad you shared this with us. I can't wait to read more of your writing in the future! <3
Thank you for taking the time to read this review! I hope to see you join the race, and keep being awesome! Happy Writing~

Points: 11703
Reviews: 198