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Young Writers Society

12+ Violence

Wind & Pinwheels

by Audy

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Points: 45
Reviews: 4

Sat Jun 25, 2022 7:05 pm
draftofstars wrote a review...

I really enjoyed this poem. The broken yet descriptive vocabulary really enticed the mind, yet leaving it up to debate. I am going to be completely honest, I have no critiques for this piece. The prose and flow is flawless, and the poetic resonance of each line is ethereal yet sickening in nature. The symbolism of death is very prominent, and it looms as you read like an impending guardian, as it always has. Please keep writing, your name will be written in history with charred blood.

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103 Reviews

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Reviews: 103

Sun May 01, 2022 10:36 pm
waywardxwanderer wrote a review...


This poem is absolutely stunning - it's vague in a mystical, mysterious way that shows more the ebb and flow of emotions than what is causing them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this poem seems to be about a love that is at first glance innocent, beautiful, kind; as you begin to trust the person more and more, though, letting them in, they tear it all to shreds, take advantage of you. This seems to sow a seed of darkness, a pain that you don't quite know how to deal with. You don't know where to look, trying to see things her way, but when you do, you are destroyed.

The way you put all of this is so incredibly beautiful and heart-rending, watching the narrator be torn apart by something they didn't ask for. Your writing carries deep meaning with every single word, and through picking them all apart, they come together to create a story that is altogether tragic. They style you write in, too, is so incredibly unique - the words and metaphors you choose carry the story in a way that I've never seen before. It seems like a genuine fight, a battle against a physical darkness, an evil creature, but really it's just the fight in the narrator. This is brilliantly done, and I applaud you.

Keep writing!
Wayward (:

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Sun May 01, 2022 7:12 pm
vampricone6783 wrote a review...

Ooh..This is quite the interesting poem you’ve got there.I might have felt this way when I didn’t write for a long time,but I don’t remember.But yeah,you can feel the insanity of being left behind,of wanting revenge.Ruthless terror poisoning the minds of others,the main victims being the creators themselves.Be careful with your creations.I hope you have a cool day/night!

Life is like a bag of potatoes, it starts out rough, but can turn into something beautiful (and yummy).
— Ley