Hi Audy!
I'm sorry this has taken me a long time to get to, and sorry again because I don't have a lot to say. To me, this seems to be about love unrequited, learning and growing up and experience--but I could very well be wrong. I don't feel like I have a very good grasp of the meaning of this poem, but it's very probably just me being thick.
I love the imagery of the school and classes and lockers, but I'm not sure how this fits:
because when I close my eyes again, this is what I see:
a black man's freckles
or a white girl's tears
It doesn't seem to be a very scholastic image like the rest of the language. Maybe I'm missing something?
I'm also not sure of the meaning behind the lack of capitalisation here:
yeah. i snatched it and used it and
turned it all the way down, the way you hate
It's not a huge thing, I just can't see how it fits, but that could be just subjective.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. >_<
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