Red roses shiver
Buried by the gentle tap of falling snow
Frosty eyelashes blink
And fall, like snowflakes
To the ground
Green fields
And orange suns
Have died
To be resurrected
By blossoming daffodils
That day is soon
But not now
The house is warm
Tap tap
Of the controller
And since we cannot see each other
Face to face
We play videogames
And kill our enemies
Behind the screens
Baths and boredom
Water down our backs
Rain drops down on our heads
An unappealing shower
But we dry ourselves with funny movies
Flashy lights
Replace the dawn
That never rises
But only sets
Uneven early mornings
Getting out of bed
Alarms aren’t necessary
When waking up isn’t a chore
Soon enough
The snow fades
Uncovering masses of land
And spring days
That we will share
In each other’s warmth
We don’t have to wrap up tight
In sweaters and hats
But we can wear comfy dresses
And shorts
Summer has arrived
We don’t have to lock ourselves up
In hidden walls
Fresh air
And gentle breezes
Rhythmatic munch
Of food and cakes
Packed by the rush of hands
And feet
That swarm and run
To be free
Points: 185
Reviews: 26