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For now

by illy7896

Tiredness embeds my soul.

The soft tick of my watch,

pulsing with time

that slips like sand

through the hands and feet

of the future



like veins

In my brain.

Vessels exploding and clotting

with cells of imagination



Dying and rebirthing

Sending waves of adrenaline,

pulsating throughout my body



Inside of me



In the mediocre life and society


Files unnamed

with stories


Wild like beasts

Lions roaring

Engines igniting

Revving down the road

of productivity


Copy and paste

all this poetry.

With one-click

I could delete

from the eyes of the world.

Strangers faces

analyse my words

Value and importance

The superiority

of the raw and fresh

beating heart

of my stories.

Ripped from the cages of my consciousness

To fall into the hands

Of another.

The flame

that stokes the fires

of feeling


My lungs have gone

My chest is hollow

Breath has been taken from me

Swept off my feet

because the rug that was my stability

My fortune

My hope

Has been pulled underneath my shaking legs


But now under my hands

that I grip and push myself up from

Is possibility

Though I fall forever

Through air and clouds

To never hit the ground

I have the ability

to fly

And land softly

On a make-shift world

cast upon by the token of my dreamsĀ 

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23 Reviews

Points: 1966
Reviews: 23

Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:33 am
blueca wrote a review...

This has been in the green room two days too long in my opinion, and there's no way I couldn't leave a review on this after reading. Here's another stranger's face, analyzing your words ;)

Your use of metaphor in this piece is stellar. The language choices communicate the ideas and themes of the piece wonderfully. Very abstract concepts are being described, but the way you tie those concepts to various visuals helps to convey how the narrator feels about these topics. My favorite metaphor is the rug being pulled out from under the narrator in the second to last stanza.

This work is completely freeform, but it still maintains a sense of meter and flow. The way some short lines are repeated with variation is wonderful. It's also impressive how you maintained rythm through the variation in line lengths.

I absolutely loved reading this. Keep writing!


illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review

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46 Reviews

Points: 94
Reviews: 46

Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:51 pm
EsmerayaRose wrote a review...

Hi, BrokenHeartsAri here for a short review!

So I would like to say hi, I hope you are doing well today.

I love the nice flow of this poem so I send kudos for that

This poem was really good I liked it so much.
It had such a nice strong impact on words.

My favorite part was most likely was

"I have the ability

to fly

And land softly

On a make-shift world

cast upon by the token of my dreams "

I really did like this part it stuck with me.

you did an amazing job with this poem, I love your word choice I love how you started it off I love how you ended it too. You did a great job!

Keep up the great work-BrokenHeartsAri

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review

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12 Reviews

Points: 94
Reviews: 12

Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:12 pm
Pokeberry111 says...

I love the nice flow of this good job. I feel it's nice and smooth and it works well. The feeling of the poem is strong within me and will stick for a while :D

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much

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