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Just like this

by illy7896

In this generation,

You have to mature

Quick like lightning

I'm not the way I used to be

Full of those childish dreams

8 years old

Dreaming of university

Where I would learn and study philosophy

At 9, pondered my family

And what it means to have sanity

Aged 10, never get into fights

Asking what is the afterlife?

11, came and went

Questioning morality, religion, faith

Prepared to fight

For the human race

12, in desperation

Maybe I'm not as special

as I used to think

An angel sent from heaven

13 now, what an age

Used to wish that I could fly away

To some alien spaceship in outer space

My tears have come to stay

Wanna learn the guitar

Not so sure anymore if I'll go so far

But I know how to live

In a world such as this

Morning, noon, and night

I'll try my best

To stay alive

Get up early

Don't stay up too late

Get plenty of exercise.

'How are you doing?' I hear people say

I'm doing amazing, thank you

But truthfully,

I'm not sure anymore

About this emptiness inside

Keep on asking:

What if there is no heaven

Or paradise

What will happen, if I die

Return to dust 

Like nothing happened


Simply disappear, lost in translation

I used to find comfort in the thought of death

I could be reborn

I could start again

But now, it seems like there's nothing there anymore

No great destiny

No fruit of justice to bare

So I grip onto life

With every last breath

And will dread when my times finally arrives

The sky has abandoned me

and, I find,

That there's only me

And my thoughts

And this empty shell

Of light

But its okay

I don't know what I want to do

When I'm all grown up and wiser

Used to want to do every job

Now I want to do nothing

But sing and dance

Because even if it's just me

And my thoughts alone out here

A buoyancy among a flood of lies

I am enough,

To keep hope near

I am enough to light the way

I don't need the stars above.

I don't need a crucifix

To ward off demons and unholy angels

I am enough

To turn the tables

I am all that you need,

To keep your heart sweet

And to keep away from evil

Even in this empty shell of light

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Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:15 pm
Liminality wrote a review...

Hi there, illy!

I thought this was an interesting poem! At first it seems more like a straightforward and direct narrative, but the figurative language and images soon come flying in. From what I gather, the theme seems to be growing up, and how lofty ambitions change into something more individual and personal.


There seems to be an interesting mix of theological/ religious imagery with images of nature and the cosmos! I like how in the lines below, you juxtapose the "angel
with the "alien spaceship". I can't say for sure what it means, but it is a jarring transition that conveys the poem's overall idea of changing as your grow up.

An angel sent from heaven

13 now, what an age

Used to wish that I could fly away

To some alien spaceship in outer space

I noticed you used "Quick like lightning" early on in the poem. I'm not sure if this is part of the nature motifs like "empty shell of light" and "flood of lies" that are peppered throughout the poem, or if it's a usage of a common expression. It definitely isn't a bad description even if it's the second case, but just as a note, it can help make poems more vivid if you either expand 'common' or 'clichéd' sayings or avoid using them in favour of a new image.

Get up early
Don't stay up too late
Get plenty of exercise.

I do love how mundane these activities are in contrast with the previous lines.


Return to dust 
Like nothing happened
Simply disappear, lost in translation

I like how there seems to be a 'fading' effect with the lines and caesurae here! The sudden one-word line "Ashes" really emphasises the sense of something crumbling.

And this empty shell

. . .

Even in this empty shell of light

The repetition of "empty" was something I didn't quite notice on my first reading, but realised it a bit later. I do find it surprised me a bit, since it seems there's so much going on in the speaker's head, that 'empty' is an odd way to describe it. But then I read it over again and tried to fit the pieces together to say maybe all these things seem meaningless, which is certainly an interesting nuance that fits in with the final message as well.

That's all

Hopefully you found these comments helpful - and keep writing!


illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review and I'm glad that you found it interesting.

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Reviews: 34

Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:27 pm
ChesTacos wrote a review...

Nice poem! To me this felt more like a rap than a poem, but I guess one could argue that those are the same thing. Anyways, I'm not here to discuss the difference between music and poetry, so let's talk about your poem. First of all I like the how the person changes as they grow older and their thoughts start to develop and change. I also like your usage of metaphors, such as here.

I don't need a crucifix

To ward off demons and unholy angels

Also those are big dreams for an 8 year old! Good for you! I like how at the start it's nice thoughts and it slowly becomes more and more negative. I can't find much to critique you on at the moment, so I'll just end the review here! Great poem! I look forward to seeing more of your work.

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review

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Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:23 pm
sunlightwarriorxo wrote a review...

I love this poem - you really explore the motions of life here. I love your imagery also, you feel as though that you are the speaker reciting this poem and experiencing these emotions that you are discussing. Your language is brilliant - you have crafted a very meaningful, deep and poignant poem here - maybe you could even develop these ideas that you illustrate and convey here into a short story about identity and self perception - showing that how you perceive yourself is important to maintaining PMA. I honestly have no suggestions for imporvement - it's a beautifully and emotionally crafted poem so well done! I look forward to reading more of your work soon, and keep writing :)

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your reveiw

i think. i want to become. something.
— chrysanthemumcentury