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True Love

by illy7896

It's almost Valentine's 

And we are too young to be possessed

By such love as Romeo and Juliet

Still, we are blessed by hugs and kisses

From our parents and friends

No better love, no better profit

Than the love from maternal relationships

I scroll through our messages

That we sent each other

Searching for your address

To christen on my love letter

And after a while, 

I do not find what I am looking for

But instead love hearts and diamonds

As you pressed 'send'

And I realise

That you are more than words can surmise

And I soon find

That you own a broken heart

That is not tended with love and kisses

How many 'call me plz'

Litter on your profile

How many 'tell me about your day' warms my heart with glow

And soon,

I felt like,

Our love is greater than


And Juliet

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48 Reviews

Points: 61
Reviews: 48

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:30 pm
sunlightwarriorxo wrote a review...

This is a great poem you have here - you really explore the feeling of love and the feleing of being in a relationship with someone you think the world of. Your language and imagery feel very immersive as if you are the character experiencing the emotions you are conveying here - so well done! My only suggestions for improvement, would to be add a short section to the end, maybe tying the poem up like:

And soon I felt like,

Our love is greater than Romeo and Juliet,

We lay beside each other in the starlight,

Wondering if our future will hold the best,

Let's stay with each other tonight.

If you added a section like this, then this poem would be fantastic (this is just suggestions of course, your work, you do whatever you feel as though is best for you). But aside from that, well done and keep writing! :)

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your suggestions, I'll consider to add them in my poem

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701 Reviews

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Reviews: 701

Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:54 pm
ForeverYoung299 wrote a review...

this was a great one.

That you are more than words can surmise

i think surmise is not the proper word here. you could have used any other word such as express or speak

Than the love from maternal relationships

to me, it seems than will be then

But instead love hearts and diamonds

put a comma after instead

these are mere suggestions. it's totally up to you that will take these or not.
overall, it really expresses the love. well done with this poem. keep it up.

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much

ForeverYoung299 says...

hi. i have published ch 12 of my novel. pls check it out and review it

illy7896 says...


ForeverYoung299 says...

have you checked it out?

illy7896 says...


We think in generalities, but we live in details.
— Alfred North Whitehead