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Deathly silence

by illy7896

The clock tolled

With its deathly voice

Pronouncing my fears

With hollow noise


The watch struck

Standing tall in the twilight sky

Singing the angel's lullaby

Of darkness and anxiety

Sleeping lies

Dawn awakens

Not tonight

The graves resurrected

Anxious and feeble

The choir sings

Like the sounds of a keyboard

Among the hush

And the dim presentations

Of dancing shadows and fleeting whistles

A bird sang

With a lustrous voice

The rags of a peasant

With a dignified poise

The tower still rang

I watched its descent

From the grave of night

Into the hour of resent

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Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:57 pm
akanbright wrote a review...

Leave a comment or review! Remember, the minimum review length is about 4 complete sentences. Wow too many personifications and oxymorons. its nice anyways to have this wonderful poem coming from you. Jus like stygianmoon17 said too many in approximate lines verses. it may not have been a blank verse or Free verse but I enjoyed it any way especially the one that said " graves resurrected and dawn awakens". its like a thrill and one would want to figure out how this works in the poem but just cannot because the next line to it is unfitting and undefined the one before it.
Realistically, this poem actually presents a rather and more innogarate way of viewing fiction.
For me I think the poem seems to present the happenings on the day of rapture.
"the choir sings like the sound of keyboard
among the hush
and the dim presentation
of dancing shadows and fleeting whistles"
All of these lines seems to buttress the fact of the poem being in a time of rapture.
I may not know the real theme of the poem for you the writer, but the imagery formed from the poem to me reflects the fact I'm trying to buttress.
Thank you for this wonderful wondrous poem.
thanks a lot....

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much, I will have to delve further into the lines and meaning of it for sure. And I like your interpretation of the poem. I'm glad that you liked it:)

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Reviews: 137

Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:23 pm
stygianmoon17 wrote a review...

Heyy stygianmoon17 here for a review :P

First off.. GOD those last lines struck hard.
It's the point isn't it ? For a poem to leave a lasting feeling. And this one just sticks.
The last few lines, the rhyme of "descent" and "resent", the choice of wording- it just makes for an epic finale. And the moment you finish reading you just go, "hmm, I should read this again."

This feels like a spur of the moment poem though, like a poem you suddenly came up with and wrote as the idea came to you. You probably were in your room listening to a bell tolling in the distance, and that's what makes this poem so raw. You just feel all the emotions behind it, no words are sugarcoated, no words are subtle- it's just a brutally honest and raw poem and I love that.
I'm just so sick of having to analyse deep poems while simple poems have so much more depth.

There's not much I have to say about this poem, maybe just the flow. The poem goes way too fast since there's little to no punctuation and the lines are maximum five words long, which would be fine but you just unpack so much in so little time. There's no real structure to this poem. You describe the bell tolling, then you move on to the twilight sky, then the dawn, then the piano, then this, then that, and every sentence you just describe something new. Maybe take more time developing that, for example having a slower pace with a small number of objects you describe, then quickening and going faster and faster in your descriptions. That would've mad more sense.

But apart for that, great poem !!

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I'll take your suggestions- I did, like you say, write this on the spur of the moment and I agree that I could add more description. Thank you for your review

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Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:42 pm
ForeverYoung299 says...

I am not good in reviewing poetry but this was an awesome one

illy7896 says...

Thank you

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