Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!
First Impression: This is looking pretty good at first glance. Its definitely feels like a whole world is at stake from the way that everything is phrased in here. And I think it creates a really nice overall effect from all of that.
Anyway let's get right to it,
They watched the worlds explode together under the hypnotic gaze of fireworks that streaked across the sky like meteorites. Indeed, they were, embedding their hazy glow across the pitch-black night. The gentle twang of thoughts strummed like guitars in their mind, and with the chorus of death, destruction and singing stars, it played a melody of peace and intuition. How they arrived on this day, they didn’t know. But gazing into each other’s moonlit eyes, they knew that this was the moment that they had been waiting for. Maybe even zooming out into the universe, it was what everybody was waiting for. It was the first breath of mankind and its last step. Delivered from the womb of existence, humanity had just started on its journey, and now it was ending. Perhaps for the best.
Hmm...quite a grand sounding opening sequence...setting the scene for quite a story and I like it. Its definitely something that will get your attention quite well, I'm really liking the sound of this so far.
Madness delicately enveloped them, like a floating sheet devouring a bird in the sky with its soft suffocation. They smiled lightly and breathed the foul air of ashes and dust. A prophet once told them of this day- a wise one. One that they would never forget, nor remember, they thought, as they saw the tidal wave of the cosmic universe come bleeding towards them. A prophet with a soft voice and shining eyes. One that could see the deepest parts of a soul and the clearest rivers of the Earth. One that didn’t have a name, but a voice.
Hmm...quite an impressive bit of imagery you got there. I'm really liking the look of things here. Its conveying quite a sense of power as the end edges ever closer and it still seems strangely peaceful too. This is going pretty good so far.
A symphony played in their ears like leaves in the wind, bristling across the trees of their feelings. On the horizon, not long away, they saw the dance of graceful fingers move their bodies across keys. They thrust and pulled and jerked in a spasm of beauty. The owner of these dancers curved her mouth upwards, right to her ears, and watched the show. The show of movement. Movement. Move. MOVE! They averted their attention from the pianist and looked up at the scene. The void cornering them into oblivion, they could not suppress the instinctual feeling to run. It was useless, of course, but perhaps it was the last sane thing to do in the chaos of confusion. Survival. Life. Breathe. They picked their legs up, pushed themselves off the ground and sprinted. As fast as death could urge them. Humanity was printed on their bodies, and on their souls light. Their suits tore and ripped, and the stale air flooded into them like darkness in a birds closing eyelids, swallowed by warmth. Swallowed by love. Swallowed by desperation.
Hmm...that was quite a paragraph to digest. Lots happening in there and of course a general theme of just helplessness and a sense of this being the end. I think its quite well done although it takes a bit of time to properly digest which isn't the best thing.
They were the birds, flying up into the great beyond, their winds extending against the pull of the wind. The clouds above their heads- the halos of the Earth. The path winding and great. The road, borderless and wide. Up, they went, down the universe came. Down upon their souls, down upon their spirits. They saw the stars twinkle and down came the darkness upon their shoulders. Down came the universe through their beaks. Their eyes perching upwards to the planets beyond, and their feet firmly on the ground as the end came crashing down onto their fleeting bodies.
Aaaand that ends there....I think works out pretty well as an ending gives it a pretty decent sense of closure I feel.
Aaaaand that's it for this one.
Overall: Overall I think this was a pretty good story. I enjoyed it quite a bit. The descriptions especially were quite well done. I think that's about all I've gotta say here.
As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.
Stay Safe
Points: 317314
Reviews: 4431