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Young Writers Society

Never again

by illy7896

No longer would she wear, her old skirts and dresses

Made to fit her forgotten fetishes 

No longer would she put on make-up and mascara

To wear her beauty like a tiara.

No longer would she go out with her friends

And dance with strange men.

No longer would she wear high heels and a tight-fitting bra

And go to adult bars

No longer would she do these things

To appease the smiles of strangers

For now her skirts and dresses

Are always knee-length

For now her face is naked and bare

With crimson tears as her heart's content

For now her friends come round to her home

And she does the cha cha with them

For now she wears trainers and hoodies

And jogs in the morning without people looking

For now, 

She would prefer

To stay away from him.

For now, 

She will never

Love again.

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Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:37 pm
Agnik Biswas wrote a review...

I really liked the way you narrated the poem but it lacks impressive or heart winning words and sentences. You are not wrong in anyway, except silly punctuation mistakes but I would love to see a tiny little improve ment in your choice of words.

I wasn't much willing to write a review at this point of the night but your poem about would actually draw anyone and would actually force them to write a review.

I really hope to read amazing content from you in coming days. You do have the potential but you just need to channelize your writing potential and after that I can say and I do believe you will get quite a good amount of fame.

I hope my review helps you and you do concentrate on the former by reading more books and developing your vocabulary.
Thank you.

illy7896 says...

Thank you for your review

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Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:40 pm
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ForeverYoung299 wrote a review...

no. i couldn't resist myself from reviewing it. although I am not having that time, but I will try to provide you with an honest review.

well, i was quite confused about the reason of why she would never do all this again until the last. but when you revealed it, it was awesome. i genuinely liked your poem. you nailed it as usual. i have a few suggestions to give-

For now her face is naked and bare

put a comma after now.

For now her friends come round to her home

same case. put a comma after now

For now she wears trainers and hoodies

put a comma after now. the same as the earlier ones
you do have a great potential as a writer. keep it up.

i hope I have provided you with a good and honest review. these are mere suggestions. it's your choice that you will take it or not.


illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review, that's so kind of you

ForeverYoung299 says...


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701 Reviews

Points: 49988
Reviews: 701

Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:33 pm
ForeverYoung299 says...

it's awesome. i will review when when possible

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.
— Corrie Ten Boom