Birds silenced and grieved,
much like the trees' branches that swooped,
And the vibrant green leaves fading and dusted away,
by the sweeper of all creation that is nature.
Corpses rot to black.
Ashes fall and flutter,
they once were you and clutter,
the Earth, the sky, the soil and the sea.
That's were you lie, your heart next to me.
I feel each pulse rattle through my body.
Still, your beady eyes stare into mine.
Darkness, but such gorgeus light,
radiates like a nuclear blast.
Toxic to the happiness once lived.
The truth is that the suffocating gas doesn't scare me.
I will not choke on the pain that is grief,
sheltered by the stone heart upon my shoulders.
Not one tear has fallen,
And I remain standing still.
Ivory, the thorns of your grave only scratches my skin,
but they subside.
Watered down by the medicine of faith.
So, ode to a doggo.
You were the best of them all.
And though I may not be a part of it,
Sorrow still hits me fiercely.
Time has returned its gift,
as is such with life and death
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