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by illy7896

The refreshing tweets and chirps

Obtrusive glare from the sun

Invariably lighting the way

The siege of new light 

The feud of a crisis

The dawn of new inspiration 

The stranded thought of contemplation

My ideas weaved together to create creation

As I arose from slumber

For when there is darkness, there is light

That may provoke evil voices

And though this is confinement

Current home is a sanctuary

Our pain now is silence

Muffled by mother nature's wails

And though our faces covered

And end a sought relief

And if the apocolypse finishes

Masks may still hide identities

Confidence may still waver

But I pledge to align...

Dear world

You trust me on this

I vow to change society

By a poem of heartache

Or a thousand word speech

I promise to help those who need

And though we do not

See stars at night

As clearly as daylight

But drifting, lonely clouds

We are reassured by warm, grazing glows of bedroom lights

And may our relentless boredom

Be objected by fruitful occupations

Of kindness and compassion

To reunite in toughest times

And auger light in darkness

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48 Reviews

Points: 61
Reviews: 48

Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:58 am
sunlightwarriorxo wrote a review...

What a poignant and beautifully crafted poem - your language and imagery have captured the feeling of 2020, now including early 2021 really well. Your writing shows a high amount of relatibility which I think is fantastic seeing as we all continue to endure lockdown and the challenges it brings - you should share this work as much as you can! My favourite part of the poem are your last eight lines, you really embody the common feeling right now, and how filling our time, can be done by good things.
Honestly, I have no improvements for suggestions. It's a great poem, and you're an extremely talented writer, so please keep writing!

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much that's so sweet :)

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much that's so sweet :)

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20 Reviews

Points: 39
Reviews: 20

Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:53 am
Nightingale06 wrote a review...

Wow! Wonderful poem! It is a complete package with many intricate details, and your words have the potential to arouse allot of hope in the readers. I really liked your use of vocabulary. I have seen many poems on the year 2020, I have written one too, but this one is very different and unique, I felt. It doesn't particularly talk about the pandemic and its consequences, but how to cope with then, which I appreciate. I loved how you used alliteration in "create creation", and also it is a very unique way of putting what you mean. My favourite phrases :
"The siege of new light"
"The feud of a crisis"
"Muffled by Mother nature's wails"
"My ideas weaved together to create creation"
Although I feel you could have used punctuation a little more. Overall, LOVED IT!

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review :)

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Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:59 pm
Stellarjay says...

Hello Illy7896,
Just here to say that this poem was lovely ^-^ I hope you are doing well in these hard times <3

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much, I hope you are too :)

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Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:50 am
ForeverYoung299 wrote a review...

this is awesome. i think you wrote this poem just after waking from sleep( although I might be wrong. please consider then)

My ideas weaved together to create creation
i think this line should be - my ideas weaved together to create the creation. it sounds better. what do you think?

And if the apocolypse finishes

I think it should be - And if the apocalypse finishes.
There is a spelling mistake. Apart from these, I have nothing more complaints.

Overall, it's very good. It reflects the rising of a new hope. I liked it. These are mere reviews. If you want to take the suggeztion you take, if you don't like, don't take. I hope I havd helped you through this review. Thanks

illy7896 says...

Thank you so much for your review :)

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