Breathe. You have to breathe. It'll be alright. You've been in worse situations.
Breathe. In and out. That's all I tell myself anymore.
Keep breathing until the next paycheck. It will be easier after that one. The one after that.
Then the next one.
Bills are overdue, rent is barely being paid on time.
Food runs out before I can afford to buy more.
All I want to do is cry.
This isn't completely my fault, why is this how the world is?
Tears sting, threatening to spill.
I can't even keep my fish tank completely full,
I'm scared to buy just a few gallons of water.
Waves of guilt and failure wash over me.
I'm doing the best I can!
I cry out, but it remains inside.
This has been my entire adult life.
Various states of constantly worrying about money.
My body hurts, my hands are so calloused.
I just want to have enough to keep up.
I want enough to buy Christmas presents.
That's all.
My chest tightens as a few tears fall.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. In and out.
You can make it get better
So long as you keep breathing.
In and out.
Don't stop.
Points: 81
Reviews: 6