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Young Writers Society

Sleepy Cat

by FireSpyGirl

I sit up and stretch,

blinking in the sunlight.

My hand comes to rest

on the soft, warm, fuzzy ball by my side.

It starts to purr as the head uncurls

from between it's paws.

Blinking with sleep and yawning,

my cat licks my hand

purring increasing.

He stretches out a paw,

resting it by my leg.

One more lick of my hand,

One more blink of eyes filled with love,

and my cat

tucks his head back between his paws.

I couldn't ask for a better morning greeting.

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Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:27 pm
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4revgreen wrote a review...

Hey there! It's been a long time aha, and please forgive me if this review is a little rusty because I've had such a long break and I cannot for the life of me remember how I used to write these :-)

Anyway, I thought this was a really cute and sweet little poem. It flowed really well and the use of punctuation aided you in this. I liked the way in was set out, and the mixture of longer sentences and shorter sentences worked very well.

The enjambment really helped draw out the poem, just like how waking up in the morning and stretching out can take a while :-)

The only line I thought could do with some work was where you said "and my cat" The way you broke up that part of the sentence didn't flow as well as the other ones but I'm not sure how I would rearrange it. Maybe just play around with it a little?

Hopefully this review helped, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things on this site, aha.

Keep writing! :-)

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16 Reviews

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Reviews: 16

Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:16 pm
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SuperOriginalName says...

This is such a nice poem, @FireSpyGirl! I have a cat as well, and I love waking up in such a nice setting. You really describe this very, very clearly. Overall, a nice poem. I don’t have time at the moment to write a review (*cough* *cough* homework *cough*) but I will later, so expect some suggestions in the poem! ;) Anyway, have a great day, and I will send a review shortly.

Goodbye for now!

FireSpyGirl says...

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

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228 Reviews

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Reviews: 228

Tue Oct 15, 2019 7:54 pm
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WinnyWriter wrote a review...

This is a nice, simple work that shows one of the pleasures of everyday life. I like how it presents the very actions of the cat as endearing. Definitely will resonate with cat lovers like me! You can see and feel it all happening.

I'd suggest looking out for punctuation errors. Otherwise it's a great poem. Keep it up!

I like anchovies~ but nobody calls me that.
— alliyah