Hello! I hope you're having a good afternoon!
I really enjoyed the stage motif of this poem. You do a lot of really cool, unique things with it. I particularly liked the analogy of showing those close to you "behind the curtain," so to speak. I interpreted this to be about how difficult, and sometimes 'improper' it feels to be emotionally intimate with others. Especially when they would rather "front row seats" to the "show" you put on for the benefit of everyone else.
You expand on this theme in the final stanza,
If you want easy, walk away.
If you want an apology for all of this,
Walk away.
If you want to play games, walk away.
I'm done.
I like the way you start each line, and how it simply ends with the words, "I'm done." It lends itself to an impactful ending that gives the readers a lot to think about. In my opinion, it's the perfect stanza to leave this poem on.
However, I did feel like some of your stanza's felt very loosely connected, as though they all belonged to different poems. Each have a different number of lines, different motifs, and don't wholly flow together as well as I think they could.
All in all, though, this poem is really well constructed! As stated above, I loved your use of figurative language, and your final stanza in particular is very well executed. I hope to see more poems from you soon! Keep on writing, and have a great rest of your day!
Points: 6793
Reviews: 472