This perfectly fits the term, stuck in a rut. You try to craw out of it, but you just fall back down into it. You try again and again, for a long time. And to no avail. Some who are waiting for you to crawl out, end up giving up. And walking away. But the people who never stop waiting, those who are paitient, truely love you. But after every failed attempt, everything that caused you to fail, this takes a toll. And eventually, you reach a breaking point. Eventually, you know exactly what caused you to fail all those times. And you may not know at first, but soon you might learn how to solve that problem. How to overcome that obsticle. Overtime, you get closer and closer to getting out of the rut. You pay attention to your every move, you know exactly what's making you fail, and you illiminate those inconveniences. And one day, you might just stagger your way out of the rut, and when you do, hug the first person you can. For they, never left. And if you get out because one of those people reached a hand down, to pull you up, you will know you mean something to this person. And that's everything. If I ever saw anyone in a rut, I would never leave. Because to leave would be cruel. Because I know what it's like to be left behind. Because right now, i'm stuck in a rut. 10/10
Points: 10
Reviews: 27