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Bradley the Tissue

by Snoink

There once was a tissue named Bradley
Who could only do things quite sadly.
He snuffled and moaned
And bickered and groaned
And got thrown away quite gladly.

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Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:15 am
watchmeburn wrote a review...

Hi, Snoink, OMG HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is the cutest little poem I have ever read!!!! I absolutely fell in love with it!
The concept/ idea is so fantastic, telling the poem from the perspective of a tissue. AMAZING! It is a sad little piece almost dull but still very good. It is so short and cute I don’t want you to change anything. But maybe next time expand a bit on one line just to make emphasis on the sadness.
All in all it is a great poem. I look forward to reading more of your work...

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:28 am
Button says...

No joke.

I loved this.
Yay! :D

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:37 am
watchmeburn says...

WOW!! nothing else I can say. You are very creative and I really really love your peom!! It made me cheerful and gave me a smile!

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Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:43 am
mizz-iceberg wrote a review...

Awesome Snoink! This poem made me smile. :) <-- See.
It's amusing, short, simple and enjoyable. I'll definitely think twice before using a tissue. And who knows, someday I might run into poor little Bradley lying crumpled up and used. At the moment of the throwing away he was not used, am I correct?

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:58 pm
ThienThienThien says...

LMAO, Great! Love it! I'll never burn tissues for fun again! :p

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Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:27 pm
Jasmine Hart wrote a review...

I liked this. It made me smile. I think that the last line needs to be a syllable longer though. Maybe try saying "rather" instead of "quite", as that should fix this problem. Also, I think it would be fresher than saying "quite" twice in such a short poem. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.

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Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:08 am
lexy says...

i like the simplicity :lol:

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Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:15 am
David Guinness says...

Fun, Snoink. ;D

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:08 pm
Snoink says...

Oops, I didn't see your post at first, Brad. ^_^

Thanks you two! I always did like Shel Silverstein... :)

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:05 pm
Cassandra says...

Incandescence wrote:This was a pleasurable read. It was something I might expect to stumble upon in a Shel Silverstein book.

Shel Silverstein--exactly!

Enjoyable read, Snoink. Yayness for limerick-ness!

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:24 pm
deleted says...

I know, its the weirdest thing, eh?

Bradley must be a popular name for the ever so useful tissue.

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:23 pm
Snoink says...

Psh, put that on your own topic. This topioc is about Bradley. The Tissue. Boo-yah! :P

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:17 pm
deleted wrote a review...

I once wrote a limerick about tissues....

Let me see if I can remember, I think it went a little like this:

I once had a thought that weren't pure,
Inside a feeling did begin to mature.
I then closed my eyes,
Imagined a swimsuit issue...

Then there was something about a tissue. I think.

Or anyway, it was something like that.

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:16 pm
Incandescence says...


This was a pleasurable read. It was something I might expect to stumble upon in a Shel Silverstein book. No serious comments, since this does not beckon seriousness.

Keep it up,

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:08 pm
Snoink says...

Ah, thanks!

And don't worry... tissues are little whiners, they are!

What should I use besides "quite?" Any ideas?

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:03 pm
Fireweed says...

Very moving...

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:47 pm
Elizabeth wrote a review...

Yeah ... wow...
*picks up tissue* I never knew your pain O' beautiful tissues * blows nose upon it and tosses it away* Now where was I...

Yeah, this has to be one of the greatest limericks I've ever read since that toad one... :) Now I'll never look at tissues the same way *gasps*

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Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:35 pm
Firestarter says...

Nice, but "quite sadly" doesn't sound right to me. Use something else in place of quite.

But a good limerick! :)

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