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Calculus Musings

by Snoink

Once again, I feel my mind spin
Heavy with new knowledge
Of… derivatives
And I’m not sure that I like it.

On one hand, it is good.
I can handle it.
Or so I tell myself
As I glare at my homework
Crossing another problem again
With dark heavy pencil strokes.

Once more I am stuck.

Yet I love it.
And I would not give it up
Not for the world!
To be able to challenge myself
With new paths to walk,
To be able to unlock
The mysteries of life.

And, delirious with homework,
I ask myself the question:
Who really is in charge?
The one who possesses the knowledge
Or the knowledge that possesses me?

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:51 pm
Snoink says...

Thanks for all your really nice comments!

This poem is about six years old... I was struggling with calculus at the time, and these are the thoughts that came into my mind when I was doing some homework, so thus the title. Anyway, because this poem is so old, I am going to lock it... that way, you can review more current works which are even more awesome!

Once again, thank you for all of your really nice comments!


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Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:57 pm
tgirly wrote a review...

I like it and I'm not even in calculas yet! It's very philosophical. I think that you could change the title though because the title you have makes it seem like it's going to be a funny poem, but it's not, it's a deep poem. You could just call it Musings or something.

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:19 am
mvb627 says...


I just wanted to say, oh my gosh, this is really good!!! I like the imagery, and the word choice. I really liked it. Keep up the good writing!!!!!

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Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:27 am
Quiz wrote a review...

Derivatives are fun, I rather enjoy them myself...

To me, this sounds like you're using Calculus as a front to write about your life, or maybe an ASPECT of your life you are feeling lost in, yet will never stop working on.

What made me think that to start was

Heavy with new knowledge
Of… derivatives

That stanza.

It's like you were going to say something else, but changed your mind.

Or maybe it's a suspense thing.

Enjoyable to read, didn't really have much to do with calculus other than the use of the word derivative...maybe you could find a way to work in some more calculus terms and such in order to give the poem more of a theme?


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Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:37 am
Snoink says...


Stupid? Hardly my intention! The main problem with derivatives is that it's a fancy way of saying a slope of a tangent line. Which makes you wonder... but it's just algebra. So... yeah. The main difficulty with calculus is getting used to the fancy schmancy words.

Yeah... I don't like the last part much. :P

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Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:24 am
timjim77 wrote a review...

The first part of the poem is interesting. Certainly the subject matter is original, but not entirely inspiring. The latter half, on the other hand, seems kind of unimportant. The last two lines try to capture the point of the poiem, but instead make us feel stupid, because we should be aware of your point without you having to state. I love the "of...derivatives" line. Cassic.

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