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A Medley of Eggs

by Snoink

a lady from church
with eighteen chickens
gave us a carton full of
eighteen beautiful eggs.

and the colors! the eggs
were a medley of colors, there were
browns of every shade and a yellow
and my favorite color -- teal
as well as two little white ones
to remind us that not every egg
had to burst with color
(though they could)

it was an impressive gift
a wonderful gift and i remember
cracking each egg and spilling
its dark orange yolk
like it was a sacrifice
poured upon the altar

and i praised God
for reminding me of Easter
with His creation
of these chickens and their eggs,
and i praised the lady at church
who gave us this gift when
her coop overfloweth

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53 Reviews

Points: 4747
Reviews: 53

Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:13 pm
redcarnation wrote a review...

Hi!! I’m here to leave a short review of this wonderful poem. First of all, I love how you incorporate spirituality into something like chickens (no offense to the chickens) This explores themes of giving and sacrifice I guess. From the fact that the lady gave to the narrator, and then in this part,

“ cracking each egg with and spilling
its dark orange yolk
like it was a sacrifice
poured upon the altar”

My favourite part is where you talk about how the eggs don’t have to be colourful but they all can be. When I put myself in the eggs’s place, it’s really inspiring. Overall, this is a new and unique way to explore these themes, and I would love to read more like this. Great poem!

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56 Reviews

Points: 4985
Reviews: 56

Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:36 pm
TheRebel2007 wrote a review...

Hey there, Snoink! The Rebel here with a short revie! And... before starting, I don't even know where to start with this... spiritual chicken of a poem.

Ah yes, the eighteen chickens of the Holy Cock Church, who laid eighteen eggs of colours more vivid than rainbows - except that they don't really need to be different in order to be. As they say, for everything - turn, turn, turn; there is a chicken - turn, turn, turn - and an egg for every purpose, under heaven!

Indeed, a potpourri of multi-coloured eggs would be memorable to crack and eat. On a serious note though, I don't get why there is a with after egg in the line cracking each egg with and spilling - a typo, perchance? Well, the Chicken Lord would forgive such a small sin, I am sure of it - and your place in Chicken Elysium wouldn't be taken away, especially since you have sacrificed the baby chickens in the altar of the Chicken Lord.

And of course, like every Chicken Worshipper, you must praise the Chicken Lord for their benevolence and mercy for the wonderful creation of eggs and all things chicken. And, oh, I am sure! I am sure that the Lady of the Holy Cock Church would bless you for it!

That's all for this light-hearted spiritual chicken poem. Keep writing! :p

P.S.: This review was brought to you by Team Tortoise.

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