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by postmalone

i eat numbers, not food.

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Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:15 am
tigershark19 wrote a review...

Hello again, Callmefreak,

I have to say that I have now become disappointed because I have reached the end of your writings..... That is to say, I have read everything you have posted on YWS! This piece blew me away as well. So much emotion packed into so few words, and so much left unsaid, but still expressed. My goodness, you do have a way with words. I feel that this could easily be turned into a larger work, if you had follow up thoughts, but if not, it definitely has a life of its own. I guess I'm just hoping you add to it because I love your work (and this piece in particular) so much!

Keep up the good work!


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Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:49 am
Casanova wrote a review...

Heya, CallMeFreak! Casanova here for a review!

So, anyway, I usually do this thing. Listing the good, the bead, then I conclude. Buuuut, this poem of yours is a bit different than some of the other stuff I've seen from you, so I'm gonna do this a bit different.

My primary question is this- What does,"No binging," The title, have to do with the poem itself? It appears as if there is no relation in my eyes, but I am sure there's a reason!
My next question is this- What exactly does,"I eat number, not food," mean?
I could see it as you're eating your money, which is a statement I particularly enjoy and like. I could also see it as saying you're eating calories, which is another statement that I REALLY like. Because both basically mean you're either wasting money or you're gaining weight- which is something that a lot of people can actually relate to.
You don't WANT to eat the number(the calories, the money), but you do so anyway because it's habit and because it's a need. Which is a very clever idea.
On another hand I feel as if there should be more to it- but this line was absolutely incredible. I loved it, but please. Continue writing. And do more,"One liners," even if they're just for humour, or if they're being serious.

Keep on doing what you're doing, and keep on keeping on.
Your friend- Matthew Casanova Aaron.

postmalone says...

It is serious, and it's about calories. I have to stop binging okay?

Poopsie says...

bro. Hit up Shia.

Casanova says...

Freak I meant no disrespect or anything. I honestly didn't know what it meant- and a few things I thought of could be taken as humorous. But binging calories isn't humorous. I know it's a struggle. I'm really sorry... I meant no harm by my review...

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