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Young Writers Society

The Song Of A Soldier Girl

by postmalone


Don't be afraid. 

With the soldier boys,  

I've gone off to play. 

My heart 

remains true gold; 

I will fight until the end  

Of the corrupted world. 



please be proud. 

Your little girl has gone off 

To run with the crowd. 

In uniform 

she will stand; 

fighting for her country, 

woman beside man. 



just remember this.

You taught me respect and rules 

that I used to diss. 

Though a student  

I looked up to you, 

so don't be worried when she  

leaves for your freedom too. 



I'll hold dear. 

Among blood and flying bullets 

There will be no fear. 

Thank you

for being by my side; 

You are beautiful and worth it - 

Live and stay alive. 



that I knew. 

Forget me not but honour 

My strength and spirit too. 

I'm sorry 

that I left - 

But only know that what I did 

I did my best.

~ Soldier Girl

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Points: 121
Reviews: 4

Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:54 pm
tsps0825 wrote a review...

This is amazing! I love the word choice, and the form of each stanza. I like how the "soldier girl" dresses the different people in her life. Just in my personal opinion I think it would be amazing and even more touching if she had a younger sibling. I love this though, and you are so very talented.

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5 Reviews

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Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:37 pm
AsherIsAnon wrote a review...

You are talented this is great all i can say is that this makes me appreciate the troops more and helps me understand what they leave behind and when they are gone they are only remembered for a few days and then forgotten like tears in rain.

Im curious about something what prompted you to write this?

Anyways onto the review:

Great message behind the poem and you hid it well too but it could use a little work there because while reading this it felt a little plain not in a bad way but you know it was building up but it fell flat for a few seconds however i really like what you have done with the last stanza "I did my best" sums it up perfectly but i feel a couple more stanza's could have been added.

however this is great and i hope you keep on writing content like this. Hope you have a great day :)

postmalone says...

:) thank you, and have a nice day as well

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33 Reviews

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Reviews: 33

Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:50 am
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GinaERufo wrote a review...

Hello there :)
I would first like to say that this narrative was moving and I could almost perfectly picture in my head each person as soldier girl said goodbye to them. As for critiquing it, I'm confused as to the rhyme scheme...its seems to be askew. I don't know if you did that on purpose, but stanzas such as the fathers had certain lines rhyming and easy to read rhythmically in your own head, while others did not. My only thought about it that may be negative is that it was a little bit difficult to read due to the erratic rhyme schemes thrown in, but please let me know if you meant to do that and I just viewed it wrong.
OVerall I thought that this poem was an interesting topic, heartfelt, and visually appealing and so I gave you a star. Good job!

postmalone says...

Awee, thanks Gina!

GinaERufo says...

of course! :)

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12 Reviews

Points: 219
Reviews: 12

Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:01 am
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LeonineLisbeth wrote a review...

How beautiful ^^ A very deep story told in lyrical/poetic form.

I really liked the way there was a dedicated paragraph to each kind of person- Mother, Father, Teacher, Friend and everyone else. I can picture each farewell in my head, and each quite emotional yet beautiful and courageous.

I see that each paragraph strictly has 8 lines to it, each one very short in words. When the "Soldier Girl" speaks to each person, it's just one word. I personally wonder whether connecting the following line to the person being spoken to would create a nicer introduction to what she had to say to them. For example, instead of separating "Mother" and "Don't be afraid," you connect them as one line, and come up with another line to each one. That's just my opinion-- I think it would really define each separate person from one another more instead of just their "title."

The grammar on some occasions may be a little bit out in how the lines are separated, but I'll leave that to the more experienced writers that know more than I do ^^;
Other than that, a beautiful poem. :)

postmalone says...

Thank you! :) I appreciate the review

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