Hey there ! I just wanted to say this is really cool and quirky as a poem, like how you've set it up as a chat room is awesome. Sorta gives imagery of the situation in a really unusual way!
Each line was very dramatic and it could be suggested that they're almost too dramatic - I read the review below - he has a point but.. I still like it anyway xD ! But I admire how determined MissDeprssed is in making her boyfriend/ girlfriend stay.. That's quite a strong attitude and emphasises her passion.
I also thought it was interesting how you crossed out the lines that she says .. Perhaps demonstrating that they're irrelevant because he's made up his mind , or she's too afraid to say them.
Furthermore, the line about "sorry for everything I am" - I thought that was quite sad and made me question what's wrong with her? Perhaps nothing but maybe she's overthinking things.. (Sounds like me xD )
Anyway this was really coool! Write moreee I'd love to read!
Points: 3737
Reviews: 93