This is Nikayla here dropping in for a review!
I could see this as an ode, almost, as Hannah points out how it's dedicated and based on a single person. I like that aspect of the piece, the focus that you have on your topic and how the piece doesn't deviate too much from this other person in the piece.
I'm indifferent on the structure of the piece, which is just four quatrains with a rhyme scheme that seems to be abcb, since your first and third lines don't share a rhyme, which I think it would flow better and be more interesting if they did. It's a nice piece with simplicity, though some may find that a bit of a flaw, I don't see it to be that way.
What I do think you could have added more of in the piece is imagery, and while your imagery is fine here, it doesn't quite give off the whole picture. I want more sensory details here, and I almost want more of a description of the actual physical appearance of the other person. On the other hand, you could do that while still making these metaphors of how this presumed-to-be significant other is related and similar to nature, having each stanza talk about a different aspect as you begin to do here. That way, you can hone in on the specific details and make for a stronger atmosphere.
Other than that, the flow could be a little smoother as Hannah said, and I think that the rhyme in the piece runs quite smoothly, and I wouldn't mind if you made the whole piece rhyme. If you have any questions, feel free absolutely free to ask!
I hope I helped and have a great day!
Points: 220
Reviews: 1081