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I'm So So Sorry

by postmalone

Warning: This work has been rated 16+.

I'm sorry for messing up

I'm sorry that I'm not enough

I'm sorry for being incomplete

I'm sorry for being a freak


Just forgive me for my sins

Close your eyes and please forget

All the times that I fucked up

When I didn't give a shit


I want to apologize

Let you know that I'm not fine


I've lost so many dear to me

Can't make up for it at all

And I am wreckage

Of pain, hurt, and sorrow


I'm sorry for my looks

I'm sorry for what I took

I'm sorry for hurting you

I'm sorry I wasn't there too


Just forgive me for the wrong

Close the wound that bleedsĀ 

All the days I go my way

When I can't see your needs


I want to apologize

Let you know that I'm a lie


I tried but without effort

I am brave yet being fake

You had every right in the damn world

To just walk away


So I'm sorry

For everything that I've done to you

Oh I'm sorry

For being lost....without a clue


I only want to apologize

And let you know

I cry


You are gone from my life

You've cut off our all our words

You made it clear I'm a nobody

Just someone full of hurt


If I could apologize

Let you see my welling eyes


So I'm sorry

For all the times that I wronged you

Oh I'm sorry

For all the words I spoke

And all the words I never will say to you again


I only want to apologize

And let you know

I triedĀ 


I'm sorry

Can you

Forgive me?

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18 Reviews

Points: 83
Reviews: 18

Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:49 am
GeorgiaMasonIII wrote a review...

I, um.


Well, at first glance, I can't think of any constructive criticism because I would advise you not to change a thing. No, seriously, this piece does something it's very hard to do right: self-deprecation. Too often it can come across as overdramatic self-flagellation or guilt tripping, but the starkness of the word choice helps get across that the speaker (singer?) means every word.

If I absolutely were forced to pick something I would suggest changing, I would try to shorten the line "and all the words I will never say to you again" because it might get awkward trying to sing it, but then again it could also work with the right musical arrangement.

Well done.

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Points: 10
Reviews: 4

Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:25 pm
emoglobiin wrote a review...

I could try to say something, but as I'm not a great reviewer who notices small details, I'm not going to try to jump over my shadow.
All I can say is that it's a very well written poem that has a lot of raw emotion in it. I love the honesty of this. The author is not trying to hide their mistakes, they have their heart on their sleeve. They admit they have been wrong, they try to apologize... all of this makes the poem feel very human. It is beautiful, great job.

postmalone says...

thank you @emoglobiin and btw I love your username. I tried to be honest in this and didn't really edit it, just threw words on a page, you know? But thank you again

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Points: 319
Reviews: 4

Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:03 am
iceberg wrote a review...

A lot of poems are about trying to 'win' an argument, and so something like this is always really refreshing. You spoke about pain and regret in a way that I think that many people can relate to.

Every three or four-ish stanzas were grouped nicely, although I would have liked a clearer theme within the groups. That would make your poem a lot more powerful.

But aside from that little bit of technique, you really do write well. Keep up the good work! :)

postmalone says...

Awe, thank you :)

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7 Reviews

Points: 302
Reviews: 7

Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:53 pm
AnnabelleKirkland wrote a review...

I know you're probably thinking I'm spamming you with comments, but your work is just so easy for me to relate and be drawn to. The pain and suffering you manage to portray with each word is beautiful and sad at the same time. One of the hardest things to say in the dictionary is, "I'm sorry." The struggle to battle your pride and admit you did wrong is hard, and then one day it's just too late for an apology. They're gone. I can't say I understand your situation, but I can definitely relate with each syllable.

postmalone says...

No no, I'm happy to get reviews from anyone. I appreciate you spilling this out to me. I admit that a few days ago I gave someone about five reviews right after each other, since they had such amazing work. :3 stay beautiful

AnnabelleKirkland says...

Well then you're most welcome. Keep writing, you've got a talent.

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