Hey there, I'm dramamine and I guess this is the part where I start my review (be warned though I haven't reviewed in a while so I'm a bit rusty).
Okay so to begin there were some ideas and phrases in this poem that I really liked. For example when you talk about reality being a black hole of a prison and music becoming your medicine (which is something I can definitely relate to). Here comes the hard part, now I have to be completely and utterly honest even though it is an extremely sensitive subject matter that this poem covers and which is, I'm assuming, what you're going through right now I just found this poem on the whole to be a bit cliche and bland in some aspects. I apologize if I offended you but every poem can be improved.
Some of the phrases in here just didn't make me feel anything, they're just kind of there taking up space but not really saying anything worthwhile or new. I can tell that you have talent but I feel that talent is not being utilized to the best of its ability. I hate to be like this considering that is poem is obviously very personal but it just didn't really strike a chord with me. However, overall, I did like this piece. I hope for you to keep improving upon your writing skills and please never stop writing. Also I'm sorry for what you're going through as I've gone through similar experiences and I know you're probably sick of hearing this but it does get better. No matter what you choose to believe.
Have a great day and don't stop writing
Points: 11
Reviews: 22