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December Skies

by ConverseFireGirl

December skies

are stroked red

with brushes of fire,

a cloud of purple

smudged above

like freshly blended pastels.

Beyond is baby blue,

watercolour swiped across

crisp paper.

Acrylic black trees

stenciled on

to make the sky


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Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:28 pm
Niraco wrote a review...

Hello there Niraco here to review this fine day. Firstly I would like to apologize for any mistakes as I am on a mobile and the keyboard is rather tiny.
Anyway, I have a conflicting view of December from your poem. Not that your poem is wrong in fact I feel as if that is what you're trying to do.
When reading this I sense a happy and weirdly warm feeling. However, real December tends to be rather cold with short days. I understand this isn't really describing December itself but just a thought I had when reading.
Moving on, I love the strong use of colour throughout this poem. At times it was rather simple but that I think helped this poem even more.

Acrylic black trees

The artistry imagery also makes this poem feel like art itself. Again the imagery was simple but sweet and effective:
with brushes of fire,
a cloud of purple
smudged above
like freshly blended pastels

All in all a lovely short and sweet poem which warms the heart on these cold days. Happy writing!

ConverseFireGirl says...

Thank you for the review! Yeah, it was a strange day in December :)

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:54 pm
Gummy wrote a review...

The imagery...! It burns! D: Nah, just kidding! I loved it!

Gummy's the name, reviewing's my game! Today I'm reviewing December Skied by ConverseFireGirl! Hi again! I'll just speed-review this since I see nothing to nitpick on this time around.

Now! Like I've stated multiple times already, I love the imagery, I love the color symbolism, I love the whole watercolor and paint metaphors... Yeah, anything remotely similar to these is on my Plus list for this piece!

One thing I'm curious about regards your choosing to color the trees black. Are they charred or something? :O Or did the red flames burn them up to a crisp!? I'm dying to know!

That's it for this speed-review! As always, take care, and I expect to read even more from you in the near future! Keep writing, and remember, the key is to keep practicing!

ConverseFireGirl says...

thanks for the review! Well, from where I was standing, the sun was behind the trees, so they were really dark! :D

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:39 pm
Ravenboy wrote a review...

Hey,figured is about time I reviewed one of your works. The effective use of short sentences really brings out a nice, flowing rhythm to the poem besides empathizing each scenery and thus making it more real. Your vocabulary is also well done, painting a very elegant, fiery and also realistic picture with words. Which is exactly what each writer should aim to do.

The use of stroked , acrylic and stenciled makes me feel as if it really is a painting and to end the poem with a single word is a very clever way to wrap it up.

It linger. Is short and it stays.

Nice one. :)

ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw, thank you so much Ravenboy! I'm so glad that you liked it! :D

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Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:12 pm
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Basil says...

Oh wow!! I'm breath taken!! This is truly deserving of its spot in the literary spotlight! Well done!!

ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw thank you! :D Well done on your Box Exercise, AMAZINGG! :D

BasiltheCat says...

Welcome, and thank you too!!

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Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:29 am
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RachelLeeAnn wrote a review...

As a fellow artist, I believe you've managed paint a really beautiful word picture of a sunset, here! Excellent imagery.

I love the words you used to help readers invision a painting of a sunset, instead of just a sunset. (e.g. "brushes," "watercolor," "acrylic," "stenciled.")

Just one thing:
"December skies
are stroked red with
brushes of fire,"
I don't think the second line here should end on "with." Perhaps put it in the beginning of the third line?

Also, there was a spelling error in "stenciled." There is only supposed to be one L.

Good job!

ConverseFireGirl says...

Thank you so much for the review! I have corrected the spelling issue, thanks, and I'll do the "well" now, thank you for your feedback! :D

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Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:20 am
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TinyJarStoredDreams wrote a review...

Hey Tiny here!

Okay I have indentented my favorite parts of the poem for you, only because I loved it so much.

December skies

are stroked red with

---brushes of fire,

a cloud of purple

smudged above

like freshly blended pastels.---

Beyond is baby blue,

watercolour swiped across

crisp paper.

---black trees

stenciled on

to make the sky

I loved the fantastic imagery and it gave me a completely new outlook on December.

Keep writing 8)

ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw thank you, Tiny! :D I'm so glad you liked it! Oh, I love your name by the way! It's so amazing! Thank you for the review! :D

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:42 pm
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Gravity wrote a review...

Okay Miss ConverseFireGirl.
I must scold you. TSK TSK!!!
You spend so much time telling everybody how amazing their work is and God knows you've commented on my wall enough times telling me how amazing I am.
Seriously, I loved this piece! It's gorgeous, and it's absolutely wonderful with all the imagery you use.

I love how you referenced art. I'm an artist so I completely fell in love with this. I don't think you need to change anything. Someone commented below about how it's not smart to end a line in a preposition. I understand where that person was coming from but in this instance, I ave to disagree. The only nitpick I have is when you do this;

December skies

are stroked red with

brushes of fire,

I agree with the fact that you shouldn't have ended the second line with "with". I think you should have dropped down and started the next line with "with". That is legitimately the only bad thing I have to say about it.

Girl, keep writing. Your poetry is amazing!


ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw, I'm actually smiling! You are so kind, thank you! Yeah, re-reading this, I can see how the "with" is out of place a bit! Thank you so much though! It means so much! :D

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:20 pm
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indieeloise wrote a review...

Hello, ConverseFireGirl! Indie here to review.

Something technical:

are stroked red with

smudged above

watercolour swiped across

stenciled on

In your line breaks/enjambment, it's best to not end the line with a preposition.

Also, why do you end the lines the way you do? Since this your main theme/element is imagery here, I'd love to see you make a proverbial picture out of the aesthetics, too.

Good descriptive poem, nice images and such. But is that all you want the reader to take away from this poem? Make it memorable. Make it you. Give me some human - or at least emotional - connection.

Looking forward to reading more of your work!,


ConverseFireGirl says...

Thank you, I end them the way I do because I just think it fitted...? But I totally see your point! Thank you for the review and the time you spent! :D

indieeloise says...

Well then there you have it! Just curious :) You're welcome! Let me know if you ever need a review!

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:20 pm
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LittleCaroleen says...

What kind of december are you getting because mine is just white. And cold. And sad. and awful.

wanna trade decembers?? :)

(by the way the writing is beautiful!)

ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw, I'll trade! Thank you so much! :D

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:54 pm
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beeyaay wrote a review...

Review time:
Everyone that has reviewed has described this as a painting. what is this painting? December Skies, just like the title suggests. I think you did a very good job describing the sky in an artistic perspective; you used artistic clauses like brush strokes, acrylic painting, pastels, crisp paper...and so on.
Over all, as an artist, I was able to relate to it and I don't exactly envision the sky like that, especially on Decembers, well maybe, that's because we are at different ends of the earth.
Keep Writing, XOXO

ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw, thank you bee! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I was hoping fellow artists would get my drift here.. :D Thank you for the review!

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:29 pm
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smile wrote a review...

hello , im here to review ..

so your poem is wonderful from all sides , first the description ( Acrylic black trees ,a cloud of purple ... ) it was like you put a painting in front of you and start describe it ,and second the title , i think that it's the most amazing thing about this poem , because its very full and Comprehensive. and finally the conclusion ....

Acrylic black trees
stenciled on
to make the sky

so keep writing , can't wait to read more of your poems :)

ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw, thank you smile! I'm so glad you liked it, I just have this thing about the sky looking like a painting... Thank you for the review! :D

smile says...

you are welcome

defyingravity01 says...

I love the song "smile" by Avril Lavigne. Loving your username :D

smile says...

i love that song tooo ....im a big fan of avril lavigne , her songs , her style of clothes , well everything :)

ConverseFireGirl says...

Oh my, SAME. Avril Lavigne is amazing!

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:45 am
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lifewithoutoxyg3n says...

This is a fantastic poem!
I absolutely love the imagery and I'm so looking forward to your other work.
It was great!
It is a privilege to be sat 6 feet away from you.

ConverseFireGirl says...

Why thank you!! I'm glad you liked it enough to review! :D

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Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:28 pm
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TheDudeMcDude wrote a review...

Dear, ConverseFireGirl

I will start off by saying that this is a fine, nice little poem.

Coming from an artist's perspective, you perfectly captured the feeling it is like to be wanting to draw/colour. I also love haow this feels like something that can easily pictured in the reader's head, with lines like;

"December skies

are stroked red with

brushes of fire"


"Acrylic black trees

stencilled on

to make the sky


It really does give you the vivid feeling that someone is describing a painting to you and it works really well and to great effect.

If I had to choose one problem I have with it, I think I would have liked for it to go on a bit longer, I would've liked more of this painting and also, as others have pointed out, the poem could be better structured with the usage of some stanzas. Overall though, I'd say keep on writing, as it's still pretty good.


ConverseFireGirl says...

Woow, 8/10? Thank youu! :D I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you so much!

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TheDudeMcDude says...

Welcome :)

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Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:59 pm
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Moneypwnzb wrote a review...

Hi CoverseFireGirl! Was this a poem, or a painting? I loved it! You did an excellent job, portraying the image, and a very vibrant image it was! Reading your poem over and over again, I enjoyed it even more every time, the portrayed image is truly the definition of beauty! As Clarity said, the only thing I saw wrong with the poems was the formatting, the lack of stanzas. Keep on writing! c:

ConverseFireGirl says...

Thank you! :D

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Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:15 pm
Clarity wrote a review...

Oh dear, another YWS format fail? No need to worry, it doesn't take long to fix! :)

I like the poem. It's simple, but the imagery is pretty. I assume this is set in three stanzas considering where you placed the capital letters.

December skies
are stroked red with
brushes of fire,
a cloud of purple
smudged above
like freshly blended pastels.

First stanza, I assume. I like how you describe the whole poem as one huge drawing. It's a lovely concept. The only thing in this stanza that I'm a little eh over is the "brushes of fire" part. It's just the word brushes... I think you could come up with something better. I get that it fits in with the artist imagery, but isn't there another artistic term other than "brushes" that you could use?

Beyond is baby blue,
watercolour swiped across
crisp paper.

This is a lovely stanza. It fits in very nicely between the opening and closing stanzas! Again, it fits in really nicely with the artistic imagery you have going on. Well done.

Acrylic black trees
stencilled on
to make the sky

A nice and simple way to finish the poem. Spelling error: stenciled. It only has one L.

Overall, I enjoyed the poem. It is very basic in vocabulary, but the imagery that comes along with the words is astounding. I really like the concept of the artists picture. It's quite clever, really. I don't have any major problems, just the things I pointed out above. The only things I might change would be the word use. If you use more elaborate wording in each stanza, it could help increase the effectiveness of the imagery you have already successfully created.

Good luck with all your writing. The things I have read have all been lovely.

Happy YWSing,


ConverseFireGirl says...

Aw thank you, Clarity! I'm so glad you liked it.
I can see how the words are pretty basic, so I'll try to be more adventurous! :D Corrected that spelling, thanks. Thank you for taking the time to review it!

Clarity says...

No problem! :)

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