Hello 👋 alpacaboss,
Thank you for sharing your work with people and letting other newbie writers(like me ) to learn from it and also general people to relate to hardly explainable feelings that exist within us.
I am new to this so my review will be just some few simple words from my heart to thank you for your work and show my understanding of it
Firstly I wanna say that I think most of us could agree that poetry that is close to our home hits differently and it is way easier to understand the art and emotions of it, so I believe that would be the first reason why it touched a certain place in my heart ;D
Even though as you said it might have some places where rhythm is out of place, weirdly it did not distract me from reading and think that's a good thing to mention because usually that would get really in the way and it just would destroy the flow of emotions in my case and it would make the reader lose the connection with the poem itself. Which I believe it one of the most important things when it comes to writing: connecting to others.
I also love how simple it is. I believe not all poetry needs to include posh words or lots of language devices to be good and touching. It can simply do that with genuine passion and deep emotions with the most simple words and phrases that anyone could relate to.
PS. you mention that you are not in love with someone, so if this piece is written not from your own experience and feelings, i wanna say you did an amazing job with walking through the mental and physical emotions that person would be feeling. Due to that it does indeed feel really realistic and for someone who has felt all of this in exact way you have written, it make me feel flabbergasted of how accurate you made it all be. Personally I believe it is hard to convey emotions to others about something you are not feeling deep in yourself, so big props for being able to do that!
Overall, I think this was a pretty good writing that I enjoyed and was able to create emotional connection with. So thank you again for sharing it <3
Hope to see more work of yours!
Thank you once again and have a nice day!
Points: 25
Reviews: 2