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Young Writers Society

Every Prayer

by WindSailor

Verse 1:

Every second of my life,
You were always there
Faithfully guiding me,
Through the despair
Oh God You amaze me
Your love is so crazy
To love a sinful man,
How could this be apart of Your plan?


Every prayer that I've prayed
You have answered in some way
You are faithful and true
There's no one like You
Every doubt that I've had,
You have erased
For You alone are God
The one who answers the prayers
That I've prayed

Verse 2:

Through every struggle of this life,
I'll cling to You
For You're my hope
And my only refuge
I can't do this on my own
So I humbly let go
And let Your will
Become my own

Back to Chorus


No more doubts
No more fears
I will trust
Because I know You're near(4x)

End with second half of Chorus: (Starting on the line Every doubt that I've had)

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Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:49 pm
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Iceonfire wrote a review...

Hello I am new to the site and I stumbled across your romantic poems, but I am not a person who is into that, but then I noticed you wrote songs. I love this song, as I am also a Christian, so it was a real encouragement to me. I didn't notice anything wrong with it, I just would have appreciated some grammar, but other then that it was good.

Hsarver says...

Thanks for the review and welcome to YWS!

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Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:05 am
DreamWork wrote a review...

Hi Hsarver!Dark here with review.

Writing unique lyrics can be a challenge, and it's true that it's not easy. It's also true that it's not magic—it's a craft that you can develop and become quite skilled.The important thing to remember here is the beauty of language you use.Even though the people does not know how the rhythm/beats of the song,they still can feel through the lyric of the song itself!

Based on your lyric,the main subject of the song is god.

Oh God* You amaze me
Your love is so crazy*-->I like how you describe how crazy is god's love to a sinful man.
To love a sinful man

It's tell the reader how you admire god and you need Him always in your life.The words you use is amazing.The chorus highlight everything about it.Something I need to point up here,can you make your song deeper and more interesting by using similes, metaphors and other literary devices?I hope so c:
Overall,good job.Keep it up!

Hsarver says...

Thanks for the review!

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Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:03 am
Messenger says...

Knight Malachi here to do a final review for the day, for the KotGR
And a perfect one to top off the day. I have to say thank you for all these great and encouraging poems you put up. I like your especially because unlike most poems that may have a good moral, yours seem to be the most real to me. It's exciting to see another Christian writer on here. But faults still creep in.

You have almost no punctuation. Now obviously some lines don't need a comma or period, but if it ends a sentence I believe it needs one. Also, last line of the first stanza you have apart, instead of a part. Besides that thought great job. Glad I caught this before bed.
Keep it up!

Hsarver says...

I forgot to say it in my last comment, but thanks for the review.

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679 Reviews

Points: 14544
Reviews: 679

Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:00 am
Messenger wrote a review...

Knight Malachi here to do a final review for the day, for the KotGR
And a perfect one to top off the day. I have to say thank you for all these great and encouraging poems you put up. I like your especially because unlike most poems that may have a good moral, yours seem to be the most real to me. It's exciting to see another Christian writer on here. But faults still creep in.

You have almost no punctuation. Now obviously some lines don't need a comma or period, but if it ends a sentence I believe it needs one. Also, last line of the first stanza you have apart, instead of a part. Besides that thought great job. Glad I caught this before bed.
Keep it up!

Hsarver says...

I revised the apart typo, but I am pretty bad when it comes to comma placement. So I tried my best to place a few where I think they would be needed.

We always talk about the "doers" and "dreamers" but I'd like to give a big shoutout to the "tryers".
— Hannah Hart