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Young Writers Society

Lion of Judah

by WindSailor


Verse 1:

He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour
He come to kill, steal, and destroy, he comes to bring death this hour
But we do not have to fear him, we do not have to be afraid
For we have this great assurance, we can rest in God’s strength


For He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and His strength is unmatched
He bore the cross and rose again, He is God in the flesh.
And the universe it bends to His will, under his sovereign command
He spoke it all into existence, and He saved it by one man
He’s the Lion of the tribe of Judah

Verse 2:

His fiery arrows fly at me on the battleground I stand
Because he is trying to damage everyone apart of God’s plan
But he will fall and he will fail and we will remain
For we have this great assurance, we can rest in God’s strength


For He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and His strength is unmatched
He bore the cross and rose again, He is God in the flesh.
And the universe it bends to His will, under his sovereign command
He spoke it all into existence, and He saved it by one man
He’s the Lion of the tribe of Judah


Yahweh, Yahweh,
You reign, above all things
Yahweh, Yahweh,
Holy is thy name (repeat 2x)

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Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:01 am
yubbies21 wrote a review...

I was listening to some songs while choosing what to review. I'd just selected The Roar by Chris Tomlin. One of the lines of the chorus contain the words Lion of Judah. The song said those words for the first time, just as I saw your work's title. Therefore, I shall review.

This poem speaks to me, as I am a Christian. It speaks about trusting God despite the trials and Tribulations this world and Satan are giving us. The Lord is always going to be victorious in the end, The Lion of Judah, so to speak.

In Verse one, line two:

He come to kill, steal, and destroy, he comes to bring death this hour

I believe it should be comes or came. Quite possibly it's just a typing error.

The themes presented in this work are themes of glory, praise, and honour. They raise God up and lower Satan down, showing God's superiority.

I really enjoyed these lyrics. :)

But...is this the actual order of the verses, choruses, and bridge? I was wanting to know for sure so I could get the proper feel of the song.

Have a happy review! Don't stop writing or loving God! :)

-yubbies21, Knight of the Green Room and member of Team Ketchup.

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:31 am
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Morrigan wrote a review...

Hi there again, WindSailor.

To be honest, I'm not really sure how to review this. I used to sing songs like this at my church all the time. Worship songs are worship songs, and it doesn't really matter what you say in them because they're all kinda generic and based on the bible and the same.

So perhaps that is my criticism of your lyrics: they've been done before. It is easy, within christian worship music, to fall back on the bible, but perhaps it is time for you to find your own words. While christians believe that the bible is the word of god, and thus contains powerful words, let's be honest. People were the mouthpiece for that. They wrote that. So why can't you write something of your own? I'm sure god wouldn't mind hearing something other than "holy is thy name" for once.

You've obviously got talent to draw on whatever is in your mind and spin it into a song. So get to spinning some of your own ideas rather than relying on prewritten canon. I hope that this review is useful to you in some way! Have a great day, and happy YWSing!

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