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Young Writers Society

It's Time to Celebrate

by WindSailor

(Verse 1)

Never did any other birth,

Change the way we date our calendars.

Never was any other birth,

Echoed and told throughout all of the earth.


It's time to celebrate

Our Savior's birth,

And all of Heaven's angels,

Declaring God's gift to earth

Oh He is God in the flesh,

The sacrificial Lamb,

The Ruler of All,

He's the Great I Am,

Oh He is Jesus, Oh He is Jesus

(Verse 2)

Never did any other king,

Come so humbly.

Never did any other king,

Live and die, to save a wretch like me.

Back to Chorus (Only say He is Jesus once) go to Bridge:

Bridge: (build up)

He walked on the water,

Made us sons and daughters.

He is Jesus Christ the Lord most High.

He healed the sick and the lame,

Raised the dead from the grave.

He died on the tree, but rose in three days(repeat twice)

End with Chorus slowly

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10 Reviews

Points: 837
Reviews: 10

Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:57 pm
RavenLords wrote a review...

Hello there,

It's RavenLords for a Epic Ice Cream Warriors of Pluto review.

First of all I thought it was a very nice song over all. It does describe a lot about Jesus Christ, but I wouldn't say all of it is true. Of course this is just my opinion but you need to talk more about Jesus AND God, Not just Jesus. Of course you are talking somewhat about Christmas, I don't completely agree with everything you say. If you would like to see my view on Christmas that please go to my page and check it out!

Other than that, very nice song! Keep up the good work!

Enjoyed Reading,

Hsarver says...

I don't know what there is not to agree with, Jesus came to die for us so we can be free. Christmas is simply a time we have made to remember Jesus coming to this earth, it doesn't really mean that Christ came to earth on December 25th, or December at all, but it is a time to remember and celebrate. I don't think Jesus, if He came down here in the present day, would have a problem with this. As long as we don't get caught up in the season of gift giving and remember the true reason we celebrate and do all of these things. But thanks! :)

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42 Reviews

Points: 4169
Reviews: 42

Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:49 am
malachitear wrote a review...

Hey there!

Apple Dumpling Gang for a short review.

My favorite line was the last, because it's one of the few times you used a half-rhyme, and that really made it end pretty nicely.

He died on the tree, but rose in three days

I think it would be better suited to not have to repeat it, though. It spoils the effect a little.

But otherwise, this was quite good and much more moving than many other hymns.

I think your paragraphing and use of space is nicely done too. Good Job!

Sorry it isn't much of a review, because I'm not so used to reviewing this type of stuff.

Keep Writing!

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6 Reviews

Points: 636
Reviews: 6

Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:16 pm
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MarySue wrote a review...

Quite good, and just in time for the holidays as well!

The only thing is, this feels more like just a summary of what he's done, perhaps you could put more into why he does those things, and how the people react. I think this would help distinguish it from other hymns as well, seeing as a few of them seem to be quite redundant.

I enjoyed reading this though, and I think you have a very nice start!

Hsarver says...

Thanks! I will try to build on it, or just write a new one with a bit more description.

MarySue says...

You're quite welcome! Don't change it on my account though if YOU like it as is though xD I've never written for this genre, so I don't know where you want it at, and your guess is probably a bit more experienced than mine xD

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