Happy review day!
I'm not too good at reviewing free-verse, but I'll give it a whirl!
1. Sometimes repetition in a poem can be one of the best things in the universe. Sometimes, it can be quite distracting. Unfortunately, I found that in the second half of your poem, the repetition of "class/to class" was distracting for me. It felt like to me a student who was trying to make a 1 page essay seem 5 pages - just restating the same thing over and over again to fill space. I would maybe spend less time on the "going to class" parts, and more of what you FEEL about it. Show me what you feel, don't tell me what you're doing.
At you're new school
NOOOOOO.... Just a reminder - it should be "your new school" (instead of the contraction you are). Easily fixed though.
3. herbgirl was absolutely right. There are so many more emotions that can be conveyed on the first day of school, or being in a new school. Like I had mentioned before, show me what you are feeling instead of tell me what you're doing.
I liked the last bit about the doors leading you down a path to success! It seems like what my teachers told me last year as a freshman.
Anyway, I like the idea - I just think you need to execute a bit better. (Seriously sorry about my lack of knowledge on free-verse though! ;-; ) Keep writing!
Points: 119
Reviews: 377