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You Will be You

by dogsrule5

You see the popular girl

Walking the halls of school,

You say to your one friend,

"I want to be just like her"

You try, 

And you try,

Nothing works.

You can't be popular, 

And just to try, you

Ditched your only friend.

"What have I done?" You think.

As you walk the halls alone,

Watching that popular girl.

Your friend hates you,

Because of what you've done.

You then realize that,

There is no need

For you to be popular

Even though she has everything,

You have nothing.

Who cares?

When you have your best friend.

So don't try to change who you are,

Because of one person.

You will be you,

And She will be her.

There is no need to worry,

Therefore she is mean

You will be nice.

Because you will be you,

And she will be her.

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Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:21 am
DivergentDemigod wrote a review...

Hey dogs,(I'm really gonna annoy you today with all my reviews :p)
So this piece of your work kinda reminds me of Elena from the vampire diaries (if you know what I'm talking about hurrrah!!! If not then you should know she was the queen of the school and she was mean sometimes and she had the best kind of friends and stuff anyway) I like everything about this. The way it flows. The message behind it. The way you advice. Your choice of words. Everything. I guess that's all.

Never quit writing,(you are too good to do it ;) )

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks, yeah I love to write, it's like my passion, and I guess now, I'm going to annoy you with replies, just as you annoy me with review! Lol! Anyway, yeah, I want a science career when I grow up, but I also want to be an author. That's one of my dreams, is to be both, but I don't know.

DivergentDemigod says...

Same pinch!!! I too want a science career (though I hate chemistry like anything) anyway I want to be a doctor ( cancer specialist specifically) and best of luck for it ...

dogsrule5 says...

Yes, like I don't know what I want to do... Marine Biologist... Or something with animals, I know that.

DivergentDemigod says...

That's cool!!! Good luck for figuring it out...

dogsrule5 says...


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Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:32 am
Winter257 wrote a review...

Hey there, gonna leave you a brief review. c:

I really enjoyed reading this poem. It's quite relatable. Most teens who weren't exactly popular could probably relate to the feelings and thoughts exposed within this poem. Or, at least, I sure could. I especially appreciated how you transitioned the poem into a more positive note. By going from sad, friendless, and desiring to be those more popular than yourself, to a note on how everyone will be themselves and it's pointless to try to be someone else, you greatly made this poem into one that gives hope. You balanced out the sad emotions greatly, by adding the hopeful ending. I really have nothing to nit pick. I think you did a fantastic job writing this! c:

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Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:15 pm
rainforest wrote a review...

Hey! CaptainSaltWater here with a review for you!

I really liked this. Though it is like one big run-on sentence. It feels like it never ends. Other than that great job! Also, like what Dracula said, you should space out the lines, here is an example of what you did.

You see the popular girl

Walking the halls of school,

You say to your one friend,

"I want to be just like her"

You try,

And you try,

Nothing works.

You can't be popular,

Instead of that, you should do this.

You see the popular girl

Walking the halls of school,

You say to your one friend,

"I want to be just like her"


You try,

And you try,

Nothing works.

You can't be popular,

It makes the poem look more appealing. But otherwise great job. I really love your topic on this because everyone wants to be a popular person. I want to see more of your work. Don't give up and always write, dogsrule5!

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks for the tips!

dogsrule5 says...

By the way: Creative user name you got there!!!

rainforest says...

Thanks! :D

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Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:16 am
Dracula wrote a review...

Nice poem! I really like the idea of 'you being you' and you've written it well. Although, for the first two thirds I felt like the poem's main focus was on friendship, and not leaving a true friend for someone 'popular'. But at the end it brings it back to the main topic. By the way, what I just said is not a nitpick. It's just good to know what people think when they read your poetry. :D

My only nitpick is with this line: Ditched your only friend. Ditched seems like such a colloquial word, when the rest of the poem sounds quite formal. A word as simple as 'lost' could be a good replacement.

That's all I've got to say about your poem. Good job, I liked it! Oh, and whenever I try to make stanzas on YWS, I just put one full stop in the dividing line, then it stays there. Like this...

You get the point. :)

dogsrule5 says...

Oh I didn't know that. Well thanks for the tip and review! Bye for now! :D

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Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:30 am
ccwritingrainbow wrote a review...

Man, childhood sucks, doesn't it? If I could change some events that happened in my life, I would've kept my friends instead of tried to be popular...well, if I only had friends when I was a kid, but that's besides the point.

"I want to be just like her."

"What have I done?" you think.

Did you capitalize "She" on purpose? I'm just asking.

Therefore, she is mean

This is a fantastic work. Keep writing, please.

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks so much for the kindness!!! I really appreciate it!!! :)

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Reviews: 231

Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:07 am
dogsrule5 says...

I tried to make stanza's no lie, but they are not showing. Sorry about that. Now they are...

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— Stan Lee