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E - Everyone


by dogsrule5

If you have ever played a sport in your life,

all your coaches will tell you to hustle.

Or at a job, you sometimes are rushed.

Or sometimes you feel rushed.


As the days fly by,

no one ever has any time to spare.

That time could be used for children, or spending time with family,

but there is just not enough time in this world.


No one has any time for anything,

or anybody anymore.

No one even cares about others because they are always to busy to do anything.

Only because their is no time left in the world.


Most people feel rushed day by day.

No one does anything fun anymore.

Some folks you see on the streets begging for money,

but everyone is so rushed there is no time to give.


Most folks don't realize the importance of life,

because they are just to busy or rushed.

No one buys any time.

No one even cares.


If you have a family member who is sick or is about to die,

who has or finds the time to go visit him/her?

Who goes to say goodbye?

No one, because everyone is rushed and has no time.

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Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:40 am
Tuesday wrote a review...

Hello CapitalMonday here for review. i like to begin on how many people could relate to what you have written since good-bye could take some time but sometimes a good-bye is needed on the spot (or why is saying good-bye even a thing.) I enjoyed how you used examples from real-life to make a point as to why everyone is feeling rushed since when you are rushed, you never get to do anything you want to do.

When i read over this poem (like the ones i read before this one), i try to look for problems that seem to be fixed or maybe the poet needs help correcting something. However, when i read this poem i don't see anything wrong with it, only that the two stars after every stanza seems that they do mark of stanzas or something.

Overall, I think i can agree with poem since i feel rushed most of my life. like what if i have to do homework, that is due tomorrow or maybe i wanted to review all day but the day went by too fast (that's why i believe people say on the weekends, that it seems that they was no weekend at all, as if the days of weekend are forever lost in forever world or never coming back home.) Sorry if i rambled :)


dogsrule5 says...


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Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:49 pm
jojoann1 wrote a review...


I have really enjoyed this poem! It tells me that people should slow down to see the good parts of life. For example, if you slow down while taking a hike, you could see some animals you may never be able to see again. I did notice that it didn't always rhyme which didn't give it a very good flow. Other than that, it delivered a great message to the reader. It gave me a lesson that has taken effect on my life.

Keep on writing!


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Sun May 25, 2014 1:49 pm
RainbowPowerPonies wrote a review...

Heyo! PonyzandPokez here to review your poem about time. Here's what I thought of it!:
okay, first correction, you rhymed rushed with rushed and that's not right, it's not excepted. sorry.... you can probably use something else for this. That was all I found. Here's your rating:
This was a wonderful poem about Time as it implies but there's not much emotion and sometimes the Grammar of this poem got the best of you. I still love it though. I hope you keep writing things like this but you have to make sure to rhyme different words each time. Keep writing :D You have a talent you just need to embrace it :D
I really enjoy your writing and I hope I get to read more soon.

dogsrule5 says...

Thank you. I couldn't think of a good snoynm of rushed, so I put that. Sorry about that. What kind of grammar mistakes did I make. Well talk to you later.

PonyzandPokez says...

I'll tell you later... I'm not having a good day write now

PonyzandPokez says...

I'll tell you later... I'm not having a good day write now

dogsrule5 says...

Okay. Hope your day gets better!

PonyzandPokez says...

aww thanks im back by the by ready to tell you :p just pm ME when YOU'RE ready.

dogsrule5 says...

Okay sounds good!!!!! :D

PonyzandPokez says...

So I counted the rhyming thing as Grammar and then you had some more mistakes in there. I gtg I'm with a friend

dogsrule5 says...

Okay! Have fun with your friend! I was at my friends house yesterday playing on this, but then like five minutes I had to leave. Cause we played on this on like the last second. Well I guess I will talk to you later then.

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Reviews: 10

Sat May 17, 2014 10:54 pm
netherling451 wrote a review...

I will start with the negative just to get it out of the way: your writing pattern is a little off and didn't flow very well. That being said, the concept of the poem was very thoughtful. We really do go through life without ever making time to care about those around us. I'm not saying that everyone does this. But it's good to be aware of. I really hope many more people read this because it could change the way people view their lives.

dogsrule5 says...

Thank you. That is why I wrote the poem.

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Reviews: 65

Sat May 17, 2014 9:53 pm
wtppowers wrote a review...

I'm going to be honest with you, here. This wasn't the best I've ever read. But that doesn't mean it stinks. It has potential.

In the first stanza, you rhymed "rushed" with "rushed". Now, I'm not a perfect poet, but I don't think that's generally accepted.

Your second stanza is good. I like it.

The third line in your third stanza should be shorter. It has to do with rhythm, or beat, or something.

Your next two stanzas are notable for featuring the word "rushed" again. I'd look up some synonyms for that word if I were you, or rename this poem "Rushed".

The final stanza is good. I'm irked by "him/her". I know it's more grammatically correct then "them", but it's all about flow.

This has potential, but should be fixed up a bit.

dogsrule5 says...

Ok. Thanks

This is a house of homes, a sacred place, by human passion made divinely sweet.
— Alfred Joyce Kilmer