Hello CapitalMonday here for review. i like to begin on how many people could relate to what you have written since good-bye could take some time but sometimes a good-bye is needed on the spot (or why is saying good-bye even a thing.) I enjoyed how you used examples from real-life to make a point as to why everyone is feeling rushed since when you are rushed, you never get to do anything you want to do.
When i read over this poem (like the ones i read before this one), i try to look for problems that seem to be fixed or maybe the poet needs help correcting something. However, when i read this poem i don't see anything wrong with it, only that the two stars after every stanza seems that they do mark of stanzas or something.
Overall, I think i can agree with poem since i feel rushed most of my life. like what if i have to do homework, that is due tomorrow or maybe i wanted to review all day but the day went by too fast (that's why i believe people say on the weekends, that it seems that they was no weekend at all, as if the days of weekend are forever lost in forever world or never coming back home.) Sorry if i rambled
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Reviews: 257