Hello CapitalMonday here for a review. i like to begin on how there is an internal rhyme making the poem have a beat and how the tone of the voice, is sorrow also how many people could relate since we all have been through a time where we want to tell the person we love them , but then the person that you may like is with this other person (usually more uglier than you) and you sit there crying.
When i read a poem, i look out for nitpicks in poems since most poems do have them. But from what i read from the reviews below this one, i would think that you have corrected them by now. Also how this poem reminds me of my brother since one time, he had this major crush on this girl in high school. He would look at her while she was looking at the teacher; he had always wanted to say that her had loved her but the chance was always gone since every time he would feel like he could go towards her, she would have a boy next to her giggling to herself with this guy.
After a few months of giving up and trying to talk to this girl, he sat long-faced and lonely. Until the girl, the girl of his dreams comes up with his notebook and hands it to him. And every since then they have been dating.
Sorry for the ramble. That is just my way of saying i love this poem so much.
Points: 6130
Reviews: 257