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Sometimes I Feel...

by dogsrule5

Sometimes I feel not wanted.

Sometimes I feel not loved.

Even when I know I am.


Sometimes I feel like the world...

Is against me.

Even when it isn't.


Sometimes I feel like my parents..

Don't love me.

I know they do, with all their heart.


Sometimes I feel like I have no friends.

Sometimes I feel like they ignore me.

But they don't, they love me too.


Sometimes I feel alone.

Sometimes I feel lonely.

I'm not. There's always someone there.


Is it normal to feel this way?

Or is it just me?

Why do I feel like my world is crashing down?


"Do they really love me?"

I ask myself.

Yes, I know they do.


I have mixed feelings.

Especially when my parents yell,

Friends can't hang out.


"Is it my fault?"

"I know it isn't..."

I argue with myself.


Crying in my room.  

Sad, wondering where are they...

When I need them most.


I know they will always be there,

Even when I feel like they're not.

They love me, and I love them more.

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Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:52 am
Willard wrote a review...

Hey, yo, Dogsrule5! Strangejan Stevens here on this wonderful Friday afternoon and I have a review for you!

If I say something offensive, bad, rubs you the wrong way or anything bla bla bla etc., know that I'm not doing it intentionally. I don't hate you or the work. I just found things that could be improved upon. Is that cool? Cool.

I didn't really like this. There is a lot that could be improved. My biggest problem is that it went the simplistic route. It went for cliches, genericness, and brought nothing new to the table. I apologize if that's rude, but I feel that this has a lot of potential to be even better. You just have to work around the weaknesses. Let's get into this, shall we?

Sometimes I feel not wanted.

Sometimes I feel not loved.

Even when I know I am.

Now, I understand that the title of this poem is 'Sometimes I Feel'. However, that shouldn't be title because of the way the poem starts. It would sound much better if you said 'sometimes I don't feel wanted, sometimes I don't feel loved even though I am'. It not only flows much better, but it makes more sense grammar wise. Also, the second line should end with a comma and go right onto the third line. Periods complete a thought, and you add onto a completed thought. So, yeah, commas!

Sometimes I feel like the world...

Is against me.

Even when it isn't.

Now I know where the title comes from. No problems with the first line, the use of ellipses is questionable, but same thing here. The third line is a continuation of the second in the stanza, therefore there should be a comma for it to flow better, if that makes sense. Flow is important when it comes to poetry.

Sometimes I feel like my parents..

Don't love me.

I know they do, with all their heart.

The ellipses, man. It's death. The repetition becomes pointless after a while. There are better ways to show silence/hanging onto words than ellipses repeatedly.

Sometimes I feel alone.

Sometimes I feel lonely.

Aren't those the same thing? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the previous stanzas you switched it up a tad bit. In this case, you said the same thing twice.

"Do they really love me?"

I ask myself.

Yes, I know they do.

This was funny. It's not bad, not at all, but how anti-climatic it was was humorous. There isn't an outpour of emotion throughout this whole poem. I read it as "i feel sad, but i'm not" with no emotion. Once again, not a bad thing. I just found it funny.

I have mixed feelings.

Especially when my parents yell,

Friends can't hang out.

Consistency error! The line should be like this:

'I have mixed feelings;
especially when my parents yell,
"your friends can't hang out!".

You see, when you asked yourself a question earlier in the poem, you used quotations to indicate that. In this case, you didn't. It comes off as anti-climatic, not in a good way. I recommend you look at my suggestion.

"Is it my fault?"

"I know it isn't..."

I argue with myself.


It says the same thing again to end it off, so I'm going to wrap it up.

Overall, this has potential and room to grow. The emotion, topic, formatting, they all bog it down because it doesn't feel comfortable enough. There needs to be more vulnerability and outpour that would help this poem pack a punch. But, if you do decide to look this over or write a poem similar, remember. The only thing that matters is if you have fun. If you don't have fun, neither will the audience. Negative relationship for everyone.

Keep writing and stay groovy!

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Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:31 am
Laurenh6 wrote a review...

Hey there ! First of all I'd like to say I found this kinda relatable - mainly stanza 2 because I am quite a defensive person sometimes xD .. But yeah I thought it was an interesting poem, with almost the same structure as your last - sad beginning and happy ending with the realisation that someone "will always be there" .

I thought your structure was pretty good - flowed well. Also I liked how you added speech so effectively into the poem which many people don't choose to do . So well done!

One of my criticisms would be that the title gives sooo much away - and I feel like it could be just as effective if you were to call it "Sometimes" - rather than "sometimes I feel...."

Also, you use the word "sad" when you "wondering where are they" - sad for me is a little unoriginal and I feel like you could've used a more powerful word to enhance how sad she is - better imagery for the reader :) ...

But that's just my opinion :) - I hope I could help and I hope you enjoy

Watching Chapter 2

Stay awesome ;)

dogsrule5 says...

I already mentioned this in another comment, but I leave tomorrow (Friday) and come back the next Friday so I won't be on in that period of time, maybe just once to twice to check messages and notification, but I will not be review or reading, but I will check out "Watching Chapter 2" when I get back, or as soon as possible when I get back. Sorry for the delay!

Thanks for the feedback and review, and I'm glad you could relate to the poem. Thanks for your criticism, I'm always happy to hear what you thought! Thanks again! :D


Laurenh6 says...

Oh okay no worries didn't see that comment! Thanks again :)

Laurenh6 says...

Wait why am i saying thanks.. you're welcome I meant xD

dogsrule5 says...

Okay, well I guess we'll most likely talk when I get back because I will have tons of reviewing to do!! I already told you and another person I'd review their story! xD. Oh well, I love reading my friend's work, it's fun! Well talk to you soon, Bye!!!


Laurenh6 says...

Have a nice holiday !!

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Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:19 pm
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Los3rLov3 wrote a review...

Hello There!
Firstly, I loved this poem, and I thought it was a great representation of your feelings. There isn't really something I think you could improve on, but I can name things that you did great on. Maybe this could help with future poems. The wording is wonderful and I like how each line flows together like a river. Also I like that you were brave enough to share how you truly felt, even though everyone doesn't know you it still takes guts. Thank you for the lovely read and I look forward to reading more!

Have a wonderful day/night!

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!


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Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:29 pm
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Yimfor wrote a review...

Hello there! I'm a newbie here and I don't know how to make a good review yet, but, I will try my best to make on the same level as this poem!

This is amazing. Every aspect of your work is filled with feelings of fear and happiness. The words choosen and the way they were organized transmitted very well your current emocional stage when you were writting it. I thank you for doing that!

Maybe it's because of a personal opinion (and may I say that I also have the same thoughts as you sometimes), but this touched me very kindly. It's something that one can read and make the heart feels heavy but relieved at the same time. It's trully a very good poetry you did, so, congratulations for it!

P.S. - When you feel that way and don't know how to turn back, try to think about the happy moments you passes together with them. That could make your mind without any doubts.

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks so much, and welcome to our Young Writers Society Community. I'm really glad you liked it. I also think everyone feels that way once in a while, I think it's just life.


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