Heyo, Dogsrule5! Casanova here for a review!
Anyway, the first thing I'd have to point out is the rhyme scheme. The second and last line of each stanza rhyme. Why the weird rhyme scheme? Usually a rhyme scheme would be AABBCC, or something like that, and not skipping around as such. It's off-putting, at least in my case. I'm a big fan of rhyme, it's why I love rap so much. Because you can play with it, play with words, and play around with structure. Something as simple as,"the apple was red," could turn into,"The apple was red/the doc told me to eat them or end up dead/but I didn't so I made my bed/I know I should listen, and my fate I do dread." Something like that. But here the rhyming is simple, but oddly placed. Off putting, as I said.
Cute and hysterical
Loyal as can be
Black and White
You're perfect for me!
Beyond,"Black and White," you never speak of any other physical attributes. To me, as a ready, I'm curious as to what she'd look like. Big or small, fat or slim, big ears or small, things like that. I WANT to know because you've given us something you're passionate about, yet you're barely speaking in detail about her. Why? Why not just say,"She's loyal, lovable, cute, and great?" That's basically all I'm getting from this, besides the fact you love her, which should be obvious if she's your dog.
In other words I think this could use some tweaking. Give us more about the dog, since that's the subject of your poem. A little beyond fetch would be nice as well.
Anyway, I hope this helped, at least some.
Keep on doing what you're doing, and keep on keeping on.
Sincerely, Matthew Casanova Aaron.
Points: 3571
Reviews: 624