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by dogsrule5

My favorite snack. 

I eat it during movies!

The buttery sensation,

The salt sprinkled on top.


I sit and stuff my face with it.

Why does it taste so good?

I eat it all the time.

It's so delicious.


I listen as it pops in the microwave. 

I watch as the bag gets bigger.

I wait for the microwave to beep!

I take it out and open the bag.


I smell the amazing smell,

As it flows through the house.

My family comes over to take handfuls.

I dig in tasting the butter and salt.


I sit on the couch,

And turn on a movie.

While I'm watching,

I'm eating my Delicious popcorn!


My favorite snack!

I eat it during movies!

The buttery sensation,

The salt sprinkled on top.


Popcorn is amazing!

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Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:39 am
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AngelBunnyroll wrote a review...

This was cute! I love the stuffing your face part, popcorn is the best! I especially love eating it during horror movies, it kind of takes an edge off the scare factor at least until the killer comes out to find their victim. I love how it seems very childish too and has a cute humor in it, sorry this isn't much of a review though. Lovely poem though and it made me smile

dogsrule5 says...

Thanks for all the kind words! Also, I'm glad you love popcorn too! :P

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Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:14 am
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sinazzy says...

POPCORN XD! This is fantastic absolutely made my day. This isn't very much a review oops sorry.


dogsrule5 says...

Thanks! XD I'm really glad you liked the poem!

You have a great day too!

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Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:38 am
postmalone wrote a review...

XD this is amazing! Loved your unique humor and awesome idea to write this poem. Wanna know something just...dreadful?

>.> I'm out of popcorn at my house! The horror!

Haha, sorry this wasn't much of a review but I loved the childish, happy, ignorant take to this. Like popcorn is the best thing in the world (it might actually be). Thanks for posting an uplifting silly poem

dogsrule5 says...

It's my pleasure to post uplifting poem! xD Oh no! I can't believe you're out of popcorn! You need to buy some! Anyway I'm really glad you enjoyed this poem!


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Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:28 pm
Snazzy wrote a review...

Let me first say, there are some very good points in this! Your imagery was pretty good at times, and I can tell that you were trying to appeal to more than 1 of the senses! Anyway, on with the review!

It may just be ne, but I feel like your 2nd stanza seems out of place. You sit and eat it, and then begin to make it... I would either take it out, or move near the end (maybe as the 2nd to last?).

I smell the amazing smell

You repeated smell in this sentence, not making it redundant, but lowering the quality of it. There are some other synonyms for smell (aroma, fragrance, odor, etc.) that I think would work better in this situation.

That last line at the end makes it almost stop abruptly - I would like it if you just started and ended with the same stanza. I've seen many successful poets start and end their poems like that, and I think that yours would be better that way as well! (Those stanzas are my favorite, by the way.)

I know punctuation is up to the writer and optional in poetry, but something sseems...off, in this poem about it. The first thing that comes to my mind is that there is too much and it's distracting me from your light-hearted poem, but I understand it's up to you. ;) (also just a side comment that the 'd' in Delicious popcorn doesn't need to be capitalized - easily fixed.)

Anyway, overall, this is a sweet poem or should I say salty :P . I'm not exactly craving popcorn, but I am craving that buttery, salty smell. Good job with this, and keep writing!


dogsrule5 says...

Thanks for the review! I actually ate a bowl of popcorn before I wrote this, and it gave me inspiration! XD :P

Snazzy says...

Haha, that's the way to do it! xD

dogsrule5 says...


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Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:15 am
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Aleta says...

Dammit. Now you made me crave popcorn. :(

dogsrule5 says...

I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention, but you are the one who choose to read the poem! xDDDDDD :D

Be led by your talent and not by your self-loathing ... everything beautiful in the world is within you.
— Russell Brand