
Young Writers Society

YWS Yearbook 2020

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:51 pm
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Mageheart says...

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory. ~ Dr. Seuss


You may post anything you like: shout-outs to specific people, stories or poems you really liked, what you read this year, pictures, favorite quote, etc. However, you may make only one post! Although you can edit that one post as much as you like.

That time of year has finally arrived again! As we end the year and move into the next decade, we invite you to grab your spots, sit back, and enjoy the memories <3 And to those who are new with us, join in! You will look back upon it next year and smile.


[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:52 pm
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Mageheart says...

Mage's 2020 Recap

To start things off: this year has been weird.

I usually have a good idea of what I want to say in my yearbook posts every year, but I kept putting off writing this post because I wasn't really sure to begin. Taking classes from home since March has seriously messed up my concept of time. I had to take a break from the screen and reflect on what exactly happened in 2020 before I started writing this post. Even now, I'm not sure I'll be able to finish this post in a single go.

But I really wanted to write a post that I could look back on years down the line and reminisce on, so I decided to give my yearbook post a try anyways.

So what exactly happened this year?

There was a pandemic, obviously. All of my classes switched to online right before my college's spring break. The three classes I took this past summer were all online, too. And, unsurprisingly, the classes I took this fall were all online. Even the classes I'm taking next semester are supposed to be mainly online. I probably won't be returning to my college campus for classes until next fall.

But I still hit some big achievements this year! I officially completed 50% of my course requirements, despite only being a sophomore. I was accepted into my school's education program, which means I'm one more step closer to becoming a teacher. I joined my school's English club and was the featured reader (again!) at one of the literary magazine's open mics. My GPA also isn't hurting, either - despite the switch from in-person. I wouldn't say this past year has been picture perfect, but it also wasn't as horrible as I would have guessed looking back.

Writing-wise, I killed it this past year! I wrote thirty poems in April for #NaPo and kept the streak going up halfway through May. I'm currently in the process of turning those poems in a poetry book with the help and illustrations of my friend @FeeX213 at the time of this post. The book is almost done, but I'm working on some technical issues with the artwork.

I revised a podcast draft I had sitting on my computer since that previous summer - and started recording/producing it! It's even something I mentioned in my New Year's Resolution post last December:

I want to write the second draft of my podcast, and possibly start recording it. It still needs a lot of work, but I know I can make it happen if I try hard enough!

Speaking of other resolutions in that post, I also wrote a brand new novel during #NaNo this past November! Van, Temp and Theo have all really grown on me since then, and I hope that I can give updates on my progress with that story in my yearbook post for next year.

Another fun writing thing I did was take part in the Vermont Young Writers Conference (VYWC) this July. I was heartbroken that I missed out on doing it during high school when I found out about it this past spring, but I was lucky: they occasionally hold an adult version of it. I made some great friends during the event, got awesome feedback on the novel I was working on at the time, and even was able to join a Discord server a few of us made together to keep in touch. The Discord server now frequently holds open mics, which gives me the perfect sharing outlet during school breaks.

Outside of writing - but still not quite on YWS - I got back into my editing game with the icon I have at the time of this post. In case I change my avatar sometime in the next few days or need a refresher when 2021 rolls around, here's that avatar:

Spoiler! :

The avatar also marks my interest in Genshin Impact. I've never considered myself much of a gamer, but Genshin's been a serious comfort for me since October. With the addition of BanG Dream! Girls Band Party, I feel like I'm finally finding a way to enjoy myself when the writing juices just aren't flowing. I hope I'm still playing both games by the time I'm writing a yearbook post next year.

But this is a post for the YWS yearbook, so it's time to switch gears to everything that happened here on YWS. I know I'll probably end up leaving something out. Like I mentioned at the start of this post, my sense of time has taken a hit thanks to being home for so many months. But thanks to @Elinor and @soundofmind's yearbook posts, I think I've gotten a little more of a grasp on what I want to say.

So let's kick off the YWS section!

2020 was the year of completing roleplays. If you swing by the Completed tag in the Roleplay Realm, you can find the entire list of roleplays I completed this year. Only one completed roleplay was from before 2020 - and that was all the way back in 2017!

Elinor already touched on this in her post, but sound, @TheMulticoloredCyr and I were on top of our game with finishing up roleplays. @EditorAndPerks and @TheCursedCat also helped complete roleplays, too!

Out of every roleplay that I completed, the one that I'm the most proud of is The Lost City. Though it had some lulls in its activity, The Lost City ran from March of 2018 to June of 2020. It was the longest running roleplay I was ever in - and still is! sound, @SirenCymbaline, @RaidenCheese, @TheSilverFox and I spent two years writing fun shenanigans between our characters.

I gushed about it over on my wall when it finished in June, so here's that post for posterity's sake. <3

Spoiler! :

Magebird wrote:A little more than two years ago, I decided to make a roleplay that was different than the roleplays that had come before it: I wanted it to have a plot. I also decided to base it on something that was near and dear to my heart at the time, so I set the roleplay in a setting that's fascinated me ever since - Stargate's version of Atlantis.

It didn't take long for other people to get interested in it. Soon, I was writing an active, fun roleplay with @soundofmind, @SirenCymbaline, @TheSilverFox, @RaidenCheese, and @ellasnotebook. The first four of them stayed throughout the entirety of the roleplay. It was a long story to write, with many wild shenanigans. The more mature characters had some drunken conversations. There was a body swap incident. They fought off a swarm of aliens. They got abducted by those same aliens. Friendships were formed between both the characters and the writers. I honestly don't think I wouldn't have become as close to everyone in it - save maybe for Raiden, who joined YWS after I told him about it - if this roleplay hadn't happened.

It was also where my current brand of roleplays got its roots. It inspired me to keep having more complex stories to my roleplays, rather than just an easily discarded story that could be ignored after it suddenly lost activity. It was the beginning of the Saeverse, and the beginning of an era of roleplay continuity - where characters who met in one roleplay remembered each other in the next.

Two years, three months and two days later, I'm proud to say that The Lost City is finally completed with 951 replies, 15,199 views, and 64 pages.

I don't think I'll ever be able to perfectly recreate what I experienced with it, but I'm alright with just treasuring the memory.

Thank you for everything, you guys. I couldn't have done this roleplay without you.


Link to original comment

Cyr and I wrote up another installment in a series of RP Duo threads that still hurts when I think about it. sound and I wrote a hilarious series of RP Duos. That isn't really new, but I still grin at the thought of my favorite: A Dead Man's Intuition. Whatever energy that story had, it's definitely memorable.

I wrote up new storybooks and laid other ones to rest. It's strange to think of this all happening in just a year, but both The Twin Sisters and The Seven School Mysteries popped into existence and then died after a fun but short run.

Apartment 309E, World Conquerors: A Magical Girl SB, and The Reawakening of Hickory Grove all burst into the storybooking scene - and are still alive and kicking. Hilariously enough, the first two were both inspired by things that Thomas Sanders has made. The last was inspired by SJ Whitby's Cute Mutants series.

As of last night, I can also add The Bard's Concerto into the mix of storybooks I'm currently in. That one was inspired by BanG Dream!. It hasn't had a chance to really kick off just yet, but the cast is set and the characters are starting to be made. I hope it's still going strong by this time next year. <3

I joined some great storybooks run by other people, too! Shout-out to sound for writing 2/3rds of the ones I'm still in - your storybooks will always have a special place in my heart. In The Wake of A Calamity let me get a shot at writing my beloved Runi again. The Pheligian Falcon: Prison Break introduced me to the hilarious duo that's Empyrean Lode and Kazimir Petrov. And @TheRealEuphoria's The Rise from Tartarus has satisfied my endless desire for modern Greek mythology. I'm really excited to see where all of them will go in the coming year!

I've tagged almost everyone I wanted to mention in this post already, but I wanted to add a few extra names of some more awesome roleplayers before I (tentatively) end this post.

@Carina: It's been awesome roleplaying with you since your return to the site. I don't know what new roleplays 2021 will bring us, but I hope we can roleplay more together! It's been a blast writing and scheming together.

@Valkyria: I've really enjoyed writing in Wayfarers together. I've also really enjoyed writing together in Be Our Guest - and I'm seriously pumped to meet your drummer in The Bard's Concerto!

@HarryHardy: We've only just begun roleplaying together, but I've been getting a major kick out of your characters and their interactions with mine. I hope 2021 sees us finishing The Ringing of the Bells.

(I also hope character!Mage and character!Harry finally get past their misunderstandings and become friends.)

This post is by no means conclusive, and I'm sure I'll revise it later on to have it better fit everything that happened in 2021. But this post is a good start, and I hope my future self smiles when she looks back at everything that happened this past year.

Edit: My last paragraph was apparently prophetic. Right after I finished writing this post, I realized I forgot to mention a few other people I've become close to over this past year.

The first one is @alliyah. I feel like we've talked on-and-off over the years, but it was great really getting to know you after being JM-ed and GM-ed right around the same time as you. I hope that our friendship continues into the next year. :)

I also completely forgot to mention @ShadowVyper! Someday I'll rope you into joining a roleplay or storybook with me, but for now I'm satisfied with just talking about teaching and biology. I'm grateful that I got to know the fish master.

And the last one is @EditorAndPerks. I know we haven't really talked much lately, but I really enjoyed writing that RP Duo with you over the summer. I hope I can someday write my next post for it - and I hope we can write more shenanigans with our characters.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:29 pm
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keystrings says...

Thank you to this lovely website for being the escape I needed during this wild time.


a. NaPo was a blast as ever, as well as April Madness.
b. I got to do some RPs, Duos, SBs, and everything in between.
c. I did post some writing and poetry of mine, but not much.
d. I hit 400 reviews and my first blue star.


a. I transferred to a university as a general biology major.
b. I finished my first quarter online at that university.
c. I’ve started a few different projects, but not for long.
d. I’ve been exercising daily for the last couple of months.


I am so very bad with trying to organize my thoughts of an entire year, so I think I’ll just try to keep a list of people that have definitely impacted my life for the better below. This list also includes every moderator on the team and every one else on this site because you all have really made this year bearable. Also, all of the Storybook and Roleplay peeps that I've been writing with. Thank you. <3

Spoiler! :

I’d like to give my thanks for this year’s Squills staff, at least in part tagged below:

This year has not been the easiest one to keep writing articles every week and find new ideas, but you all have done such a wonderful job. I’m really proud to be your Editor-in-Chief and I hope you’ve enjoyed your Squills experience.
name: key/string/perks
pronouns: she/her/hers and they/them/theirs

novel: the clocktower (camp nano apr 24)
poetry: the beauty of the untold (napo 2024)

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:30 pm
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Lib says...

LIBBY 2020



  • Believe it or not, I've become way more patient and way more controlling over my anger/annoyance. Probably because of covid and seeing the same four faces every single day for two and a half months or so. >.>
  • I got over my fear of going to school with people my age! I'm in high school now and I've made a lot of friends, and they're all super unique and amazing. <3
  • School is also going pretty well education-wise. My Math, English, and Citizenship teachers are pretty chill. The Science teacher is okay. She has good intentions, but she’s strict, but everyone says that’s her way of making us ace her course so I guess she’s good too. :p
  • We did a pretty big move over the summer, from City to Town. I had thought that it would take way longer for me to adjust, but I’m doing way better than what I had expected. xD
  • After that first move, we made another move to the house we live in now! It’s absolutely gorgeous and I couldn’t ask for more. c:


  • I started two novels this year that I actually plan to stick with! There’s two plots and I’m completely in love with both the worlds, and all my characters. :]
  • @lzpianogirl and I started The Celebrity Conundrum earlier this year in February and it was a huge success! We finished it in almost seven months and a bit more. I can’t express how amazing Lucy is to write with. We even started a sequel - The Royalty Rendezvous. <3
  • I participated in my first ever NaPo! As cringey it is to look back at all these poems, I have to mention it because y'know, ~yearbook~

on the site

  • The YWS Group Picture was such an amazing event, I swear. It was a delight to participate in, and the end result was even better! Thanks so much @shapeofvoid. <3
  • I became moldy with @whatchamacallit! <3 I’ll never forget the day I found out, when I told my parents, and they were all happy, especially because Mama had just had a massage appointment earlier, but ah it was a great day.
  • I did two poetry collabs this year, which were both super fun, and super chill -> (Untitled) with @thecursedcat (also yep no name yet haha). what does this color remind me of with @alliyah @editorandperks @magebird and @soundofmind.
  • I changed my name to Liebensteiner ~woooo~ and I can spell it too, which is quite a surprise actually. :p Don’t worry though, I’ll probably change it back to Liberty or, hm, Libby?
  • And the most special note of them all: during lockdown, @LadyBug and I became close friends! We started a Roleplay Duo together, and it was going pretty well, but… you could say we got busy and distracted haha. I’m so glad I met you, Jade, and I’m so glad you and I have been friends for so long, it feels like forever, but goodness gracious, when I think back, it’s only been since June! ily my favorite frister stay happy you beautiful a n g e l <3


I swear I had started making a list of people for the shout outs, but I realized I’d be working on it for a whole week non-stop if I ever did start. There’s so many of you, and I love all of you. May the coming year be the best for all of you gorgeous beings (does this sound cheesy? welp, gotta deal with it :p). Hopefully covid will go away, and you can all reunite with your families and friends. Be happy, stay blessed.
*insert quirky signature here*

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:16 pm
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Valkyria says...

First year doing the yearbook! If I don’t write something down, I will shake myself XD
There is always something left to love.
- One Hundred Years of Solitude

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:34 pm
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looseleaf says...

LZ's Land of Memories 2020
I'm going to spare you from the cringe by not linking my 2019 Yearbook Post.

Alright, lets get started. This year has been filled with its ups and downs, its twist and turns, its disappointments and happinesses. This year I lost my dog, Frazer, was unable to uphold many traditions that 8th Graders do in my school, and overall, did not do anything that I had originally planned to and looked forward to doing in the summer. This does not mean, though, that this year, from February up until now, went entirely to waste. We bought Bean, I began writing more than I ever did before, I began reading again, and I spend more time with my parents.


  • I spent nine and a half months straight with only close friends and family (so the same twelve people), besides school. Let me just say that I have learned a lot about patience in those nine and a half months. I wouldn't say I've learned to control my annoyance an anger better, but I'm more aware of it and try my best to work on it.
  • I applied to highschool! It was pretty nerve-wracking, especially because it sort of hit me that.. wow, I'm 14 years old. I remember applying for Kindergarten, and here I am, about to press "submit" on my highschool application.
  • We put Frazer down a couple weeks after we bought Bean. He was a wonderful dog, and even though he wasn't as loving as Bean, I always thought of him as my best friend. I miss him dearly and I will always smile when I think about the fun we had together.
  • I discovered AJR and their absolutely fantastic music and I don't think I've ever listened to music as much as I do now. Their songs are just so, so, so, so good.
  • I don't work out like lifting weights or jogging or whatever other ways you can exercise, but I have begun

    walking a lot. Sometimes I walk around the block with my parents and Bean, sometimes I walk to pick up food with my friends, but mostly, I just pace around the house listening to music. Apparently it's weird to watch (according to my family), but I enjoy it and I feel much happier knowing that I'm not wasting away by sitting down each day.


Where to start?

  • I created the Unofficial YoungWriters-Ville Map and opened the YWS Mechanic thread! I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has with cars!
  • @Liebensteiner and I wrote 241 posts to complete The Celebrity Conundrum! We also started a sequel, The Royalty Rendezvous. I had so much fun writing about Alex and Avery's adventure with Lib. She is so amazing to write with and I wouldn't change anything about it!
  • I actually wrote.. poetry?! I know, it's incredibly hard to believe, but I participated in NaPo! I will say, it was hard for me to write poetry and I did not like that, but I had fun in write-ins and the website was so positive during it!
 I also got the "Jam Master" award!
  • RevMo was really fun! I didn't do as much as I planned, but I am pretty proud of my reviews!
  • I didn't do what I had planned for NaNo, but I loved the idea I decided to write and I'm still writing it right now! I'm planning on making a Writer's Corner thread about all my unfinished novels.
  • I started An Unexpected Time and it has been so fun. I love everyone who's taken part in it! I wouldn't have this storybook go any other way!


  • @soundofmind: oMG sound you are just so amazing. you have literally carried an unexpected time with all your posts its awesome. without you, i doubt we'd be in LSS anymore!
  • @Liebensteiner: Lib, you are such a great person! I loved writing with you and you're always so cheery and positive.
  • @Vil: I always enjoy talking to you in WFPs (especially your election/debate night ones). You're super interesting and your books are no different!
  • @lillianna: where do i even start bruh. your wallposts are amazing. your art is amazing. your poems are amazing. anyways your stuff always puts a smile on my face and yeah. i am very proud to be your mom.
  • @Magebird: Thank you so much for helping me with everything! You must have answered a hundred questions for me this year, whether being on storybooks, the YWS Map, or other things!
  • @JasmineFelicia, @Corvid, @Tenyo, and @soundofmind: I know I already tagged you sound, but I really, really love writing An Unexpected Time with you guys!

Welp, that's all for now. I might add more shout-outs later, but I can't be certain. Here's to a great 2021!
Last edited by looseleaf on Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:41 pm
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Riverlight says...

Here I Am

-I joined YWS this year! Whoo!-
-I successfully completed Team Tortoise during #ReMo-
-I did almost 90 Reviews during #RevMo-
-I have made many, many friends on YWS-

Some Real 2020 Memories
-I started dating the love of my life on November 11-

-I met some of my best buddies, @Euphoria8, @LadyMysterio, and @starlitmind. Our mischief and villainous plans for our characters will never go unnoticed.-

-@Stringbean, @SilverNight, @ChamomilePendragon, and I all have expanded on our group project which has been ongoing since February 2019. We also have welcomed a few new people into our ranks for when the next segment begins!-

-I completed my first book, America Gone, which is (to date) my most successful one person project.-

-I have many back up ideas that have been started.-

-I have had the opportunity to learn, live, and grow as a person on YWS-

-I joined the @soundofmind fandom-

-I've gotten to know @Riellehn, who I believe has made me a better and more sensitive person.-

-I maintained a healthy review rivalry with @HarryHardy during #RevMo-

There's so much more that's happened this year-- not jsut since joining YWS, but in life in general. I feel so blessed to be apart of this community, and I'm so happy to be here! Stay safe, y'all! <3
Last edited by Riverlight on Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
The politics of the world may be corrupt, but that does not mean that we must be corrupted ourselves.

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:36 pm
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starlitmind says...

STAR'S 2020



- I got accepted into my school’s Honour Council both years!

- I got closer to one of my classmates that has really helped me get through a very boring class xD

- I got the highest academic achievement in my grade!

- I’ve developed better study habits and I haven’t procrastinated once my sophomore year ^_^

- My best friend moved from Germany and is now attending the same school as me! <3


- I became absolutely obsessed with classical music (and TwoSet violin :p).

- I learned to play Liszt - Liebestraum No. 3 (Love Dream), but I still need a ton of practice!!

- It started from listening to kdrama osts, and now I really love kpop too xD


- I fixed something about myself that I shouldn’t have started in the first place, but I’m really glad I stopped <3

- I started to give a lot more love to my family and friends and will continue to do so

- I don’t know if this is a good thing, but I started seriously questioning what I want to do when I grow up 0.0 Do I really want to do what my parents want me to do? Or is there something else for me?


I joined YWS this year on April 10. I was hesitant about joining, but I am so so so so glad I did so. The people here are absolutely amazing, and I’ve been so happy to have a safe place <3 I can’t imagine life without this site and the ppl on here. Love you all <3


I became the featured member August 6 - August 20! I remember how happy I was when I first saw the thread, and it means a lot to me <3


@IcyFlame, @Liminality, and I became junior moderators together this Decemeber! <3 I’m so happy to be buddies with such amazing people and to be on poetry crew with Lim and everyone else (which is obviously the best crew, by the way).

Reviewing and RevMo

- Reviewing has been really fun this year! I’ve learned so many techniques on YWS that actually have helped me at school, so that’s a plus :p I have gotten five stars since joining and completed team tortoise seven months in a row ^_^

- RevMo was also super fun! The checklist challenge was really exciting, and I completed 50/50 of the goals c: And I really loved how supportive and encouraging everyone was to each other (I super love how supportive the people on YWS are in general <3). The coloured usernames were awesome, too c:


I had so much fun chatting and creating chaos in the pads with friends xD I was able to really talk and connect with other members, and it brought me closer to them <3 I’m still looking for my potato though, so if anyone finds my potato, please contact me ASAP! I really miss my potato :( Some of my favourite memories are meeting with Evil Potato, unfolding a fruit love story with @Euphoria8, getting readings from @Vil, @LordMomo becoming everyone’s mom (and eventually getting yeeted off a cliff), and coming up with a new Harry Potter series with Euphoria and @LadyMysterio.


- I’m so glad I decided to participate in the YWS Group Picture and I’m thankful for those who organized and put it together <3

- I love this bird doodle from @alliyah <3

Spoiler! :


Dedication Poem/Greeting Card by Arc

@Arcticus wrote so many dedication poems and made a ton of greeting cards, and I absolutely love mine!

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :


I have learned so much about poerty since joining YWS. From learning about specific parts of poetry to being introduced to experimental poerty, my mind has definitely expanded since joining xD I’ve grown as a poet (I think/hope haha) and I was able to create so many pieces that I wouldn’t have been able to do without YWS. Oh, and here’s a shoutout to @whatchamacallit and @alliyah for both giving me amazing, stellar reviews that have helped me so much, and for writing amazing poetry that has inspired my own <3 I wouldn’t be the poet I am without you guys <3

OH and those two amazing poets, along with @Morrigan, organized a poetry reviewing workshop that has helped me tremendously and was super, duper fun!! So thank you guys for that as well <3


I actually wrote a bunch of poems with numerous wonderful poets on here! :D

- corners of the universe with the lovely @alliyah

- with the wonderful @LordMomo

@Arcticus, @alliyah, and I tried writing a poem together, but it turned into beautiful, fun chaos instead, and this is all we were able to get out xD

Spoiler! :

- The wonderful @Arcticus and @Liminality and I wrote something together as well <3

Spoiler! :
the dawn is a cold steel door
closing and reopening, evermore

we keep walking in and out
like waves moving to and fro at a shore

but the sand is thinning, and i wonder
how much longer the path will stay paved

is each grain swept away a moment
that could have been saved?

it's hard to restrain grains of sand
in your hands as they escape

as they slip through your fingers, you know
they were never meant to stay.

(and hopefully alliyah, whatcha, and I will get to that poetry collab in the next year c:)
(oh also, @kattee, I’m glad you’re back and can’t wait for some of your lovely poetry)


Omg thank you to everyone who mentioned me in their yearbooks; you guys are all incredibly sweet, and I’m so thankful to have each and every one of you in my life ahhhh I LOVE YOU ALL <3 <3 <3

Of course I procrastinated on this yearbook post, doing it on the very last day of December, (not surprised haha), so I don’t think I’d be able to write a shoutout for all of you lovely individuals. Even if I didn’t procrastinate, THERE ARE JUST SO MANY AWESOME PEOPLE AND IT WOULD TAKE ME ONE YEAR TO GET ONE PERSON DONE BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY AMAZING THINGS ABOUT EACH PEROSN <3 <3

Instead, I would like to give everyone a heart, here you go <3
(I put so many <3 in this post haha)

okayy, that’s it, byee, you guys are all wonderful c:
.--. --- - .- - ---

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:42 pm
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Soccer23 says...

Claiming a spot!!

uh, maybe someone can tell me what happens when i have a spot??
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"
"Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do big things; It's trash can, not trash can't"
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:28 am
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alliyah says...

alliyah 2020

YWS Highlights

* i swear all the birds will live until the end +
*cheap cheap software +
*camp napo
Spoiler! :
my napo intro image that I made for this year, and I still love <3

RevMo + Reviewing
* I wrote 50 reviews for RevMo, and I think 18 of them were in the last 24 hours of RevMo because at the last second I decided I did want a gold username. xD
* Also! helped run the Checklist Challenge during RevMo with @Liberty! <3
* Now in the top 25 reviews (#23) & I got one more red star!

Knowledge Base
* Posted the "YWS Big Book of Records" (only took me 5 months)

* Ran a Turkey Themed Unclassified Scavenger Hunt with a lot of help, and it turned out great for YWS Birthday Week. Classified has not succeeded in over-taking the site for yet another year, so I count this as a great success.
Spoiler! :

Chickens (#trusttheegg)
- Semi-related but unrelated to unclassified I helped inspire a Chicken-Poetry Frenzy by asking for chicken poetry and also finding chicken experts to confirm that @TheEgg is not a blue-gold macaw like LoonyMaroony, but is in fact a chicken egg. There was a whole chicken avatar movement too, it was excellent!
Spoiler! :

Poetry Collabs
I did a lot more collaborative writing! Here's some of what was written:

Miscellaneous 2020 YWS Memories
- I loved participating in the poetry clubs ~ poem a week &poetry readers
- I've loved the worst poem thread for a few years, but this year it really took off, and I'm so happy it did! It's a fun one to contribute to.
- I ran a couple different workshops this year! I ran one with @whatchamacallit, and I think I ran one with Traves @Starve in March!
- I wrote 35 Squills Articles! (55 in 2019, 45 in 2018) I especially loved doing NaPo Shoutout articles and Poetry Perspectives.
- Finally helped post the KotGR Storybook (that was a project like 4 years in the making with @CaptainJack) and I'm so happy it's finally available and out of our brainstorms
- learning about trademarks from @BluesClues
- also everything bird related about this year... Bird-themed poetry and napo, chicken-contests and chicken-poetry, turkey scavenger hunts, and mysteries about @LoonyMaroony, @TheEgg, and everything else unclassified/classified. Oh and many bird doodles!
- And another favorite memory is the 100,000 point drive when I asked for 100,000 points so I could have 123,456 points and somehow was given that many points and it was incredibly generous of all those who donated points <3333
Spoiler! :

Bird Doodles
(here's the bird doodles I drew of/for YWSers in 2020 for the checklist challenge & point-drive gifts and then a few extras.)

Writing Highlights
My writing was much less relationship focused in 2020, there were moments of it being really experimental (my napo-spam-bot thread) and then just a lot of typical nonsense. I started 2020 off by trying to do 20in20, and was successful through part of February then sort of fell behind, but I think I did probably write one poem a week and started working on month-themed "monthly musings" poems.

I also started throwing my poetry out into the "real world" this year a lot more and had some successes! I had a poem published in a small publication and selected as one of the two "online feature" poems (out of like 50 poems in the book). I finally! finished a chapbook draft (something I've been working on for years, but continually giving up on) and submitted it to different places. This chapbook was centered around homesickness / leaving relationships & land, and is still really close to my heart. The chapbook draft actually ended up being one of the 10 finalists for a chapbook contest, so was so close to getting published, but ultimately didn't end up winning. And that was an interesting experience in just processing my ideas of public vs private poetry, because I don't think I honestly believed it could be published so experienced a lot of anxiety / panic for the small amount of time that was a possibility. Ha... But I'm still proud of it, and have felt much more comfortable telling in people in "real life" that I write poetry since then, even though that used to largely just be a private hobby for me. I had a poem picked as an honorable mention in a national poetry society contest, out of 150 entries which was also a big confidence booster!

Now I'm working on two more chapbook projects and am hoping to finish "heritage" this February and get that submitted to a few different competitions. I'm really thankful for the skills and confidence YWS has given me in poetry writing and who knows? maybe one day I'll really have a chapbook published ~ we'll have to wait and see...

~Life Reflections~
Let's see ~ well covid etc. was horrible, but a lot of neat things happened too this year! I finished up my masters degree in June and also moved to a different region of the country into a very cute little house. Glad to be done with school and my internship is going super well at the moment. Wrote a lot of poetry this year, and have also been writing songs for fun, and doing a bunch of ancestry research too. That's the highlights! :)

It's hard to try to put into words what exactly YWS meant to me this year ~ 2020 was absolute trash for a lot of people including me, and it was nice to stay connected to a community that was supportive and creative during all the mayhem in the world. I am proud and amazed at how my writing has grown and changed from being part of the site, but I think this year it's the people that I really appreciated the most. <3

shoutouts under the spoiler

Spoiler! :
To quote what I said last year, "I really appreciate each and every one of you who has encouraged me, chatted with me in a write-in, or shared your work for me to enjoy. My shout-outs won't catch everyone, since there are too many to name, but really I appreciate you all so very much." Thank YOU for being part of the site this year! There are so many YWSers that I'm really grateful to have had the chance to interact with this year, really more than I can possibly name. Thanks for sharing your writing, for encouraging, for posting, and for being a part of the site!

@tgirly ~ tally-wa, you're not even on YWS anymore, but maybe you'll float by and see this. Your writing is why I joined YWS to begin with and you are one of the reasons I have continued to find joy in writing. Thank you for all of your support this year. But also thank you a bazillion times over for inspiring me to write, thank you for your kind / patient / helpful / wise words in commenting on my chapbook draft, thank you for continuing to encourage me in my writing endeavors. I am consistently inspired by you; what you write now, but also the snippets you have left behind here. I find myself often thinking of little phrases or stories or poems you've written that have become part of the way I think. After all, it's not really stars we're after.
It's light.

@CaptainJack You are one of my favorite parts of YWS. I love your creative, rebellious poetry, and all of our scheming. Thank you for reminding me not to look for guys in airports and all of your support throughout our mod years (gosh we're getting YWS-old). Thank you also for all of your little tips and notes about the south too! Thanks for being you! ~ alliygator

@AvantCoffee - <3 COFFEE <3 You are such a gem of a person. I am happy to know you and have enjoyed all of our chats this year, especially about the limitlessness of poetry, and just about life too. You are such a vibrant and empathetic person, very easy to chat with, and I really appreciate you so much. You are also so talented in your musical and poetic sharings and I'm excited to see where this next year takes you. <3 I am grateful for our friendship! And wish you all the very best!

@Magebird - MAGE you are such a delight and genuine encourager. I am really happy we've had a chance to chat more this year and I don't think I can overstate my appreciation for how thoughtful and supportive you've been. I am really astounded by the care and attention you give to the site - not just in making sure things are accomplished and running smoothly, but also in how you make sure that people feel cared for. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and your work ethic is inspiring. I hope we continue to have chances to chat this year! <3

@whatchamacallit - whatcha <333 Ah! You are such a great presence on the site! I've had a blast interacting with your poetry this year and also am so thrilled that you're on the mod squad! (You are doing an incredible job btw!) Our workshop together was one of my favorite YWS-things of the year. Also you are such a kind, talented, and thoughtful person and I'm so very happy you're a part of the site!

@Liminality - LIM<3 my wonderful NaPo Buddy! Your comments were all so encouraging and insightful throughout NaPo, and I've enjoyed getting to know you since then! Your structured poetry really impressed me when you first joined, and I'm so glad I've had a chance to read a whole lot more of it this year. I love chatting with you about poetry and language, your poetry is wise and deeply observant. Also welcome to the mod team, happy to have you aboard! Finally, I give you this lovely quotation that you gave to me, "mashed potatoes are v a l i d".

@Lavvie - Lav!! <3 I've loved getting to know you a bit better this year, especially during NaPo and also THANK YOU for jumping straight into PCrew right before NaPo - like I am seriously so grateful that you were able to bring your help and poetry to that! I'm wishing you so much joy and love in this next year, and am hoping you continue to share your beautiful poetry with us! <3

@starlitmind - Aha! I remember stumbling across your NaPo thread and being surprised that a new member was jumping right into the middle of NaPo! Your poems impressed me then and continue to impress me now; they're poignant, artsy, interesting, and accessible. I also am seriously amazed by your ability to stay on Team Tortoise forever; that takes serious discipline! Oh and glad you are on thee slime team!

@Meshugenah - *BITES* MESH, I love when we get to poet collab together. And I think you (& your poetry!!) are very cool. <3 I wish you all the very best!

@Arcticus - Arc! I'm so glad you were able to make your way back to YWS this year, after your absence from it, the site was not the same without you. I always enjoy our dialogues about religion and poetry. Your daily philosophizing and poeting and humor-posts are a treat to read, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that you are one of the poets that I look up to the most. You are seriously very talented, and also a great person! Collabing during NaPo was the very best - and also I'm a big fan of the bird/hope poem you wrote during the dedication poetry phase. Thank you for sharing poetry this year and for all the many ways you've contributed to the site!

@BluesClues - Blue you are such a joy to chat with! I think everyone agrees with that statement. And also you are an inspiration ;;; like how?? are you doing two degrees at once and also like 17 novels and also continuing to be so awesome?? I think I know what you would say to that ... "it's #classified" xD Anyways, I am not going to be one bit surprised when you've got a novel published. I really appreciate you as a YWS presence & person. Also thank you for always letting me decorate your write-in banners. <3

@EditorAndPerks - I appreciate all the energy and work you put into making Squills run smoothly, and I enjoy your chill presence on the site. You are wise and thoughtful and level-headed and I really appreciate you Perks!! <also I'm super glad you got extra-slimed this year> AND I really enjoyed tagging along with April Madness with you this year, that was fun!

@EternalRain - I really really enjoy your leadership in Squills and your presence on the mod team, and also have to say I really enjoyed following your NaPo this year as well ~

@Vulcanite - thanks for always checking in, I've so enjoyed getting to know you and poet-collab with you, and I love seeing your poetry and lyric-writing grow! I'm hoping 2021 is a gentler year for you Vulc, and wish you all the very best!

@Que - You are a really a great poet, and I notice it every NaPo, and every poem you post! <3 Also I always enjoy running into you during write-ins! :) Wishing you the best this year!

@ShadowVyper - SHADY !! I am very thankful that you joined the dark green squad this year; and I love how you put so much energy and enthusiasm into the site. :) I also have really enjoyed seeing how your poetry continues to do new things or express academic angst in new ways!

@Tuckster - I always enjoy seeing you pop up in pads, and hearing about what ambitious things you're up to! You are also someone who puts a lot of energy, and careful attention into your writing and moderating and I'm really glad you're on the site!

@Liebensteiner - LIBERTYYYYYY You are such a bright shining presence on YWS Lib! I enjoyed working with you for camp napo, and also for the never-ending-checklist-challenge !! You are such an enjoyable, kind person, and I hope 2021 is a great year for you!

@LZPianoGirl - I have enjoyed having you over in Squills and also absolutely loved your YWS Map! That was so much fun! Your daily holiday posts always make me smile, and I appreciate all the ways you contribute to the site!!

@soundofmind - love ur presence on the site. also ur music and art are very rad; and your religious~NaPo thread was an absolute joy to follow this year! it is always a joy to run into you in a write in, and to hear what interesting things you have to say. i hope you have a very spectacular 2021 ! :]

@Hkumar - I appreciate your people-tab posts and feel like you're one of those people that is so often spreading kindness around the site and I really appreciate it! Also I admire your dedication to reviewing!

@HarryHardy - Harold, you are pretty funny and also enjoyable to chat with in write-ins! Your dedication to achieving your goals is very admirable, and your talents are diverse. Glad to have you around the site and so excited to see what you're able to write and do this coming year!

@Euphoria8 - that time that we analyzed that whole TSwift CD was quite a blast and a fave YWS memory from this year for me - I'm inspired by all of your enthusiasm and kindness; you are such a fun person to be around. You are absolutely a delight to run into in write-ins and I look forward to getting to know you better!

@Starve - I really enjoyed getting to run that poetry workshop with you and hope to see more of your poetry around in 2021! You're a great poet, and it's always fun to see your work around the site.

All the mods - I am really glad we have such amazing mod team on YWS and y'all are very wonderful and I hope you know that!

everyone who has contributed to the unclassified & classified mayhem (you know who you are) the battle raging against classified is one of my fave parts of YWS tbh and I thank you for your involvement. Please remember #unclassified #trusttheegg #longlivebigbrother
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:44 am
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soundofmind says...

soundofmind's 2020
previous years
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

First Finished Storybook: The Outlands

    ▶ We started on September 17, 2017. Two years and 7 months later we finished on April 19, 2020 with 5 pages, 65 posts, and 108,189 words. I couldn't have done it without the faithful, talented, and wonderful friends who made the entire story possible: @Lael @Wolfical @Featherstone @EditorandPerks @sherlockhson

First Finished Book: The Lost Dragon

    ▶ After over two years of struggling through this novel, I finally finished it with 151k words. Yes, there is a sequel in planning, but it's done. I can rest in knowing I actually finished a complete draft of a book!

5th Year of NaPoWriMo Completed: Resurrected Man

    ▶ This year is probably the year I'm most proud of. I stuck to a theme - meditations on the man Christ Jesus, and writing poems about who he is and the scriptures was, though challenging and stretching at times, so life-giving to my soul.

A Year of Songwriting: 20 Songs Written and Recorded

    ▶ I'm really proud of myself for keeping up my songwriting addiction, and it has been so fun to watch my growth. Not all of my songs are posted publicly, but I know they're there, and I get to enjoy them. Also discovering I had a fan club for my music on YWS was wild but encouraging, haha.


Other YWS Highlights

    ▶ This year was a year of many (seventeen total) completed roleplays - both duos and large ones. The longest-running one which deserves special recognition is @magebird’s The Lost City, which started in 2018 and finished this year.

    Other finished Roleplays include:

    ▶ In the month of August, I wrote 12 SB posts and well over 10k. I also joined Omnom’s Aether’s Heart that month which I have to credit a good portion of that posting to. AH had 14 posts in August and it was such a blast! I also drew all of our characters in AH - which you'll see a little further down!

    ▶ During Storybook Month I finally obtained the SB Challenge Dungeon Master Badge! I also just had a lot of fun during SB month in general. The party pads I ran were a big highlight!

    ▶ I participated in OC-tober, where you draw a picture of your ocs every day of October, and I got about halfway! I think that’s still a notable accomplishment!

    ▶ I also joined in on LSS/Last Ship Standing in the storybook An Unexpected Time by @LZPianoGirl and it has been a BLAST!

Full Cast Illustrations for Storybooks

    ▶ Click images to jump to their respective storybooks!

The Outlands
A story about found family among wanted men and women on the run from the law.


In The Wake of a Calamity
A story about a group of displaced mages navigating a changing world in the midst of a great war.


The Pheligian Falcon: Prison Break
A sci-fi story that follows a group of criminals in a high-security prison on a spaceship.


Aether's Heart
A story set in the YWU about a group prophecied to save the world from great doom and delve deep into a forgotten civilization to retrieve a dead god's heart.


A story set in modern times about participants in a drug trial for a sleep-aid that has strange side-effects.


An Unexpected Time
A story that follows a group of people from the present who wake up in 1943.



Life Things

    ▶ I got my driver's license and I bought my very first car! All in the middle of a pandemic! Proud of myself!
    ▶ My old DND group finished our campaign that had lasted over a year and a half! We started a new one this year too!
    ▶ Got a roommate after living alone for a year and it's been my best roommate experience to date. She has been such a blessing.
Last edited by soundofmind on Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:22 am, edited 22 times in total.
Pants are an illusion. And so is death.


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Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:45 am
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Hijinks says...

𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚊'𝚜 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶

YWS memories
Technically I joined the site back in 2017, but I left for a year or so and actually only became re-enlightened returned April of this year. When the world had a bit of a meltdown in March and I had way too much spare time on my hands, I remembered that I had an account on here - and somehow still knew my password?? - so thought I'd log on just for fun. As it turns out, you can't just log on to yewis, it's much too amazing for that, so here I am some eight months later!

I had a Luna Lovegood avatar. I was also a featured member. These two events are deeply entangled at a quantum level.

▶YWS Group Picture
@Arcticus organized a group picture and @trashykawa compiled it impeccably. There was hedge-trimming, there was magic-carpet-flying, there was book-club-going. There was also a LOT of bitmojiing.

it's so fun and rewarding being a poetry mod <3 <3 <3

▶Full set of gold stars

250+ reviews! I've definitely learned a lot about reviewing. But probably the biggest thing I've learned is that pointing out the positives is just as important as critiquing!

Image Image Image

Ooh RevMo was a party! I finished The Checklist Challenge in the nick of time, participated in the Banner Contest, and had some pretty snazzy colourful usernames. Unfortunately - I mean, luckily - I never got the chance to be cyan-coloured but I did get to be pink, medium slate blue, and maroon. I'm pretty sure I finished half of my maroon reviews between 9pm and 12pm the night they were due, so that was a choice, but not one I regret.

I had way too much fun coordinating my wall and avatar -
Spoiler! :
Image Image Image

And @alliyah also made me this wonderful avatar <3
Spoiler! :

▶Arc's dedication poetry
@Arcticus made a poem for anyone who requested one, and put them together into a collection: when light became music. I searched 35 pages of Arc's wall to find this. I regret nothing.
He put so much time and energy into these sweet personalized poems, which just goes to show what a caring, wonderful person he is <3

He wrote this beautiful one for me, from the prompts "Curtains/blinds, permanent markers, demonstrating how a word can have a lot of different meanings":
Spoiler! :

I rejoined the site mid-April, so I didn't have a chance to do all 30 poems for NaNo - but I did still write and post 10-ish poems. I also had so so much fun chatting and collaborating in poetry jams! @QueenShadowGem and I wrote Love Poems and Life, @TheCursedCat and I wrote a lot of poems though we didn't publish any, and along with @Elfboy and @Riellehn the five of us wrote some group poetry, too!

▶Poetry reviewing workshop
I had a blast running the poetry reviewing workshop with @alliyah - and with everyone who showed up!
Spoiler! :
and if I'm being honest, I'm more than a little proud of the banner I made for it:

I can't talk about poetry on yewis if I don't first give due mention to write the worst poem you can and Poem A Week. Participating in those have kept my poetic juices flowing even when I feel like I'm getting a writer's block. Sometimes a "worst poem" has inspired me to write a possibly good poem, and often the Poem A Week prompts have resulted in some really interesting poetry!
I've grown a LOT as a poet this year, and I've done quite a bit of experimenting. Some of my favourite experimental poems from this year are
colourful musings
"poetry is like pencils"
and, from more recently:
Heat Absorption Lab

▶Poetry shout outs
Part of the reason I've grown so much as a poet is because of all the amazing poets I've been exposed to on yewis - and all the different amazing styles they have. These are some of my absolute favourite poems from this year <3
i found my true love in a youtube ad is a genius gem by @starlitmind
Crash Landing by @Elfboy is so creative and so touching
the drawback of grief by @Magebird is one of the most poignant poems I've ever read <3
no cookies until you finish your vegetables by the collaborative @veeren, @Carina, and @Tuckster is, um, a certain type of masterpiece?
harvest of light by @Arcticus is the definition of elegant imagery

Goal for 2021? To collaborate with at least one if not all of you! @starlitmind @alliyah I am holding us to our promise to write a poem together in the new year c:

Personal reflections
This year was wack. But I think it was all the little personal successes that made it ish-bearable (?).

    ➢ I completed my RCM Level 7 piano exam and got first-class honours with distinction!
    ➢ After studying for almost a whole year I wrote my RCM Level 9 music history exam - it was really rewarding to see all that hard work finally pay off.
    ➢ Just this December I wrote my RCM Level 9 harmony exam. Three really heccin long hours, but I loved every second of it. Music theory is something I'm really, REALLY passionate about and I was so glad I got to write the exam despite Covid (we had to be proctored over Zoom but it still worked well!)

    ➢ The musical I was supposed to be in this spring got cancelled (for obvious reasons) which I was super sad about, but my theatre group kept meeting on Zoom one evening a week and we ended up making a virtual production. Not quite the same, but it was still fun - and it's the people in the group that I missed the most, not the singing or dancing or acting, so seeing them (even if over a computer screen) was wonderful.

    ➢ I mean, we survived and ish-thrived! And my yearbook photo isn't half-bad, either. (I literally only show up once in the yearbook and I couldn't be happier about that, so yay!)

People ♡
Honest to gosh there are SO MANY incredible people on this site, so thank you yewis and everyone on yewis for being such a wonderful, kind, supportive, and inspiring community!
Spoiler! :
First, to every single mod and retired mouldy - you're an amazing group of people and your positivity, commitment, and enthusiasm for this site and everyone on it blows me away! I respect and admire you all so much <3

@alliyah you are by far the kindest, most helpful, and most talented chicken-lady I know. You're also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to poetry and just generally humaning, and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you better in the past few months. I love, love, love having you as my PCrew leader! <3

@Liebensteiner Libbyyyy!!! You are always so energetic and bouncy and positive and I absolutely adore your energy. You're the best mouldy twinsy ever <3

@starlitmind ah my poetry sister <3 You really are a star and your sweet messages and poems brighten up this site immeasurably. I love chatting with you on pads and I'm always so excited when I see you've published a new poem c: (Also also we NEED to do a poetry collab sometime soon. Like it's just necessary for the universe to stay in balance.)

@ShadowVyper the resident fishmaster expert! Whenever I see I've gotten a review from you, ngl, I involuntarily start smiling because your reviews are the best. And also you're generally one of the best people I know <3 I've loved getting to know you the past few months and I'm looking forward to getting to know you even better this year!!

@QueenShadowGem Gemmy <3 You're one of the first friends I made when I logged back on to YWS in April and I'm so glad to have met you. Your poetry jams during NaPo were a blast and hanging out on your pads has been one of the highlights of my time on YWS. You are SUCH a gem and an all-around sweet, wonderful, supportive person <3

@kattee katteeee!! You're such a talented poet and I'm so glad you returned to yewis for the selfish reason of wanting to read more of your poetry but also because you're an amazing person ;) You've also managed to convince me that pink is perhaps equal to green which is an amazing feat if we're being honest here. I can't wait to chat with you more now that you're back <3

@Riellehn purie you are such a kind, sweet, supportive, genuine friend and an incredibly articulate person. Gosh do I wish I had your ability to talk though I mean your conversatiomizing skills are a whole other thing <.< I really truly believe you're the kind of person who is capable of changing this world <3

@Dilbert64 oh bertodil boB, dear comrade, a pad is never truly chaotic without you. You're so fun to talk to, and I wish you all the best of luck in taking over the world ;)

@Elfboy Eth! You are such a wonderful friend and a kind, wholesome person <3 You never fail to impress me with how thoughtful and compassionate you are! You're also a very talented poet and I get so excited when I see "Elfboy posted a new literary work" in the people's tab ^^

@TheCursedCat aah Myth c: You're the only person who always knows how to make me smile when I'm feeling blue and whenever I talk to you my day gets so much brighter! You're an amazing person and I'm so so glad I know you <3

I'm sure I missed a bunch of fantastic lovely incredible wonderful people, but that's everybody my forgetful mind can think of at the moment
When you're faced with something you don't understand, I think the most natural thing but also least interesting thing you can be is afraid.

-- Hank Green

(previously whatchamacallit and Seirre)

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:48 am
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LadyMysterio says...

I must say, 2020 has been a strange year, but one that changed me.
For good.
Its been a year of dissapointment and growth.
Looking back it think it was good this all happened, the world needed change, but we were all to wrapped up in things to pay attention. So it was essential a vibe check.

And of course the only way for me to finish this off is with a quote from a character that i love dearly.

"Satisfaction isn't in my nature"
Last edited by LadyMysterio on Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
I know my worth, anyone else opinion doesn't really matter
-Agent Carter

To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.
— Allen Ginsberg