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alliyah The Egg is a Chicken Egg!It was proven by independent chicken experts a few years ago!
Feb 24, 2024
@TheEgg sits idly in its nest, proudly waiting for its servants to return to polish its delicate shell. But not today... no, today is different.
A lone finger presses against the Egg, poking it endlessly, needlessly, waiting to see what happens.
Then the Egg moves.
A the crack grows.
There is something inside the Egg, and it wants out.
Then it hatches, and out pops--Pinky
Belated poem regarding our friendship. #freindshippoems
The Egg, how marvelous you are!
You, fighter of classified schemes,
protector of young writers,
unifying mascot we salute,
and vow to support your plans.
You, pre-chicken and full of life,
full of hope about to hatch
eternally a promise of potential,
what thoughts do you think
as you wait, oh if only we could
spy within your mysterious shell.
The Egg, controversy sometimes
surrounds your call - as people confused
try to defeat the site with mayhem plans.
But worry not Egg! Worry not!
Your loyal supporters of the #unclassified crew
stand firm, along with Big Bro, and
throughout the land none can boast
more genuine likes than you.
Thanks Egg! Here's a link to the legendary egg post for more people to like as it has now garnered 100 + likes after years of your good work. :]
Classified You drive a hard bargain. However, it is done.
Feb 4, 2019
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TheEgg shh
Feb 2, 2019
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Apr 20, 2024