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Young Writers Society

Her everything

by YourFriendQuirks08

{Just a disclaimer that I needed a vent; this piece is for me to reflect on my feelings, not for the quality of it}



She’s all I need to feel safe.

I need her here,

For when my panic takes over

Controlling me like a game,

Like my life is a game.


Her voice,

Soothing like a mother

Rocking her child to sleep.


Her hair,

Smooth and long

Like she wants to grow it long and luscious

Make it straight and pretty forever.


Her makeup,

Natural with a gleam

A glow unlike any other I’d seen before.


Her dress,

Drifting as she strolls around

Taking her smile with every step



Breathe I tell myself.

Walking at a faster pace,

Faster and faster

Until I am jogging away from them.


My chest stops,

It doesn’t move up and down.

Am I dying?



My heart wants to move

However, incapable to do so…

But then again,

Was it ever working?

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20 Reviews

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Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:43 pm
leleparadise wrote a review...

Hey, Lele here to review

Just wanted to start by saying this was a good poem

Because of how you prefaced with the disclaimer, it gave a different perspective of the piece as a whole. I felt the nerves in your words. The uncertainty and shakiness of your thoughts. It pulled through nicely.

Could it have been worded better? A little. Some lines were repetitive. The way you described her hair didn’t match how every other part of her was described. It felt forced.

“Until I’m jogging away from them” I was confused at the switch of pronouns and to what or who you were referring to.

Overall though, I think because of how it’s structured, it encapsulates the whole feeling you have for this person. Very well done

Keep up the writing

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Points: 237
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Thu Dec 02, 2021 4:02 pm
thecautiouswriter says...

This poem is very beautiful and unfortunately very relatable to me. While I was reading, it made me remember times when I adored someone so much that I was willing to do just about everything for them. In the last three stanzas, I became very confused. It made me think about what was really going on in your life. A few thoughts that ran through my head were, what really happened, was she even real, or was the pain so bad that it literally crushed your heart. You did a fantastic job on this poem and I really look forward to seeing what other poems and/or stories that you write on this particular person.

YourFriendQuirks08 says...

Thank you! Yeah, it does seem hard to understand, probably because of the ambiguous approach to my very personal life. I get why it doesn't really work; thank you though!
Rubes x

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Points: 237
Reviews: 4

Thu Dec 02, 2021 4:01 pm
thecautiouswriter wrote a review...

This poem is very beautiful and unfortunately very relatable to me. While I was reading, it made me remember times when I adored someone so much that I was willing to do just about everything for them. In the last three stanzas, I became very confused. It made me think about what was really going on in your life. A few thoughts that ran through my head were, what really happened, was she even real, or was the pain so bad that it literally crushed your heart. You did a fantastic job on this poem and I really look forward to seeing what other poems and/or stories that you write on this particular person.

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Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:20 am
Plume wrote a review...

Hey there! Plume here, with a review!

Aww, this was a sweet poem. I read your author's note, and I'm glad you're finding an outlet in your poetry! Hope you feel better soon <3 I think that for the most part, this poem was really great, and even though you didn't write this for the quality I figured I'd review it just 'cause.

One thing I enjoyed was your repeated use of repetition. It gave the poem a sense of urgency and also a bit of insanity/instability. Like how in the first stanza, you ended both lines with "game," and at the beginning of the sixth stanza where you repeat "breathe." I think those really add to the frantic-ness at parts, and they round out the poem and make it something dimensional and emotional rather than just flat. Similarly, the repeated "her" at the beginning of several of the stanzas at the beginning gives the poem a loose form that gives it that extra bit of poetic-ness. The one thing I would say about the repetition is your repetition of "forever" in stanza three. That, to me, didn't work as well. Since it wasn't frantic or unstable at that part, it just felt kind of lazy, like you couldn't think of another word to put there. I'd either change it to a synonym or reword it using a different word.

The one think I would say is that your tone is a little hard to grasp at some parts/it changes a lot. At the beginning, you take a more intense tone, essentially declaring that this "she" is the only person who makes you feel safe and comforted. Then, you shift into describing her, and you take a more sentimental, lovey-dovey tone. Then, at the end, you turn to a darker tone, asking some heavy rhetorical questions. I feel like that progression didn't feel exactly logical to me. It felt a bit unsatisfying to end in such a dark place. I'm not saying you can't have tone shifts in your poetry, but I feel like these shifts just felt oddly placed within the narrative. I'm not sure if this was intentional on your part, but it's just something to keep in mind when writing.

Overall: nice work!! I think you captured some really raw emotions here, and again, hope you get through the hard stuff in your life <3 I hope to read more of your poetry on here soon! Until next time!!

YourFriendQuirks08 says...

Thank you. The tone shifts weren't intentional; just writing my feelings down. All to do with teacher attachment, which you definitely wouldn't expect in this. It may make more sense reading knowing what it was about. I really appreciate your review, have a great day!
rubes x

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Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:03 pm
vampricone6783 wrote a review...

This was a nice poem to read.It’s so real,you really put your emotion to it.Yes,often as humans,we do rely on others heavily,you’re right about that.But when we put every fiber of our being on to one person,it becomes unhealthy and overbearing.The best thing I would say is to relax and take time to find yourself.You don’t have to listen to me,but that’s what I would recommend.Anyway,nice poem.I hope you have a good day/night.

YourFriendQuirks08 says...

Thank you so much! It is all to do with teacher attachment... which is concerning in itself. Thank you for the kind words and advice :)
Rubes x

The chains of habits are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.
— Warren Buffet